Blue Jeans Ethernet cables

I think there is some correlation. How can it be otherwise? How do you think the designers of these systems arrive at their designs?

Then I think you misunderstand what I wrote. Or I misunderstand your interpretation of what I wrote. What cable measures better but sounds worse?

I don’t think so, neither think Peder was saying that. I believe logically that companies need measurements to produce the components. It’s normal. They do research, use high precision stuff, so it’s inherent in the process of production.
But do we need measures before buying the component to try in our audio system: very rarely, for me and others at least.
I will not choose for example 84 dB impedance speakers with a nap 250 dr ( but even here some will respond why not…)
I will not choose either a cartridge that has 0, 3 ohm to go with my tube phono. Or choose a very heavy cart to put on my rega rb 2000 arm.
So sometimes I need mesures, but rarely.

But did you try the effect of disconnecting the network, and if so did you try the different cables between Melco and NDS with the network disconnected? That was what I was suggesting (apologies for labouring if you have indeed tried this).

But my question and your response before posting this were back to consideration of cables, BJ and otherwise!

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I don’t need to disconnect because I won’t be useful really. I just tried different combinations of Ethernet cables . It took me a lot of time and it’s a bit exhausting.
I know today what sounds best in my system, at least for me.
I will try maybe in the future another Cisco. But now I am tired of all these tweaks.

:small_blue_diamond:One final comment,.our whole group, tests, tries, takes to us new discoveries, products, advances in this area all the time.

And new products,.we get reports about all the time,usually before they are placed on the market.
Right now we are testing two prototypes,.of two new Swedish powercables.
And this is how it rolls on all the time for us,.in other words,the experience is continually increasing.

We have done this since the group was formed in 1994,.and I myself long,long before this group was formed.
This I have also posted previously about to TB,.so we have a whole different knowledge and experience-base than what TB have reported.

Yet he just continues to repeat his same Mantra,.but I do as you say…“best just leave it at that.”


That’s fine - and, of course, your choice.
It seems, though, that some here (and not, I think, you) seem to think that taking note of specifications, other than at a very superficial level, is somehow wrong, or misleading, or not helpful. I find that very strange.

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I don’t do that myself; hope that’s OK.

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I’m being really dense here, but I’ve never used upnp (or a NAS), so have not really got my head around how it works in various systems.

Can you just explain what you mean when you say that your Melco sounds better in upnp mode than as a server?

Is this just a mode function option in the Melco software?
What app(s) do you use to control the Melco?


It sounds as if you are a test group, like some people on this forum are beta testers for Naim software. Whilst from the technical and novelty angle I can see the attraction and interest, and if it was a paid job (I assume it is not) it might be an enjoyable one. But it seems a bit removed from playing music for enjoyment of the music, unless only occasional - though your description gives me the impression that it is a continual process with products to test so that your mind is always on assessing, and not on the music.

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A Melco can act as a NAS across a network, and also has a dedicated ethernet output for a closed link to a streamer, both functions with a UPnP server in the Melco serving files the same way as a conventional NAS. It also has an internal renderer, allowing direct connection to a DAC, though I don’t recall which it offers of optical or electrical SPDIF, or USB connection, in that mode play being selected by software on the Melco, not the streamer’s software (because there is no separate streamer).

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Absolutely. Here a sample of my favourite music.

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IB explains it more clearly than I can.

You are repeating the old mantra over and over with nothing new. You are right it is best if you leave it there. My only mantra is once it is all working, sit back and enjoy the music. Of course Nero was a cool dude, but I’d have gone for a bucket of water or several hundred as science tells me water is better than fiddling when trying to put out a fire.

So do you see it as Spec-Gang vs The Fiddlers? I’d prefer we dropped silly names personally.

Wouldn’t it be great if mains leads were captive as folk would just plug in and enjoy the music, which is what I thought this hobby was about?

You have to admit it is a little unusual to get excited over a new prototype mains cable. Has it been safety tasted?

Is that the tune you use for auditioning? You could try some Napalm Death or even Cradle of Filth tracks as an alternative. Though i’m less keen on CoF myself. And don’t forget Swedish DM band Entombed. I tend to prefer Colosseum’s Valentyne Suite, but musical taste is a personal thing, a bit like streaming cables.

Hey Peder

Thanks for pointing out the tune-dem test method.

It’s a brilliant technique and approach to testing.

@bailyhill - this reminds me of our discussions about the differences between 16/44 and Masters files on Tidal.
I found most of them to sound the same - except Nirvana tracks that were mainly distortion.
You find Masters almost always better - but you could never pin down a short passage of music that demonstrates that diference.
[not wanting to divert thread too much - but a highlight of this method is quoted below for those who are interested]

"You will find it easier to compare components in an A/B situation if you play only a brief passage of music (as little as ten seconds and certainly no more than thirty seconds) on one component. Repeat this brief passage a few times on the first product then switch to the second component and play the same passage.
By keeping the passages short, you will keep the “tune” fresh in your mind and therefore be more able to judge the relative difficulties in following the tune on each component.
If you have any problems in detecting differences in regard to the ease of following the tune, don’t panic. Just sit back, relax and try again. Ask yourself a few simple questions:
Can you hear all the musicians playing all of the instruments all of the time?
Can you always follow the tune played by every instrument?
How easy is it to sing-along/follow with the melody?
The remarkable thing is that once you do hear the difference you’ll find that it’s much more apparent than you originally thought. And the more you listen the easier this method will become. With a little practice, you‘ll find that you have a listening test that is consistent, repeatable, and best of all, a very reliable indicator of the performance of any hi-fi component. "


I don’t want to meander this thread any more than it has, but in regarding camera gear, I’m not really a fair example having been a pro for over thirty years so I know what works for me. So, yes, measurements can be useful, but imo ergonomics, real world reviews, and usefulness to myself are more important then MTF charts or DXO-like sensor measurements.

I’m a Leica M10 user (Nikon DF is my other), and I know many balk at the price of my body and lenses. But considering the price of high end HiFi gear, it makes my camera and lenses seem like veritable bargains.

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My brother in law is also pro, using Canon, and the price is no consequence, the most important factors being image quality and reliability. I couldn’t cope with the size and weight of his 1DXii even without sweverak kilos of glass attached - but their image capability in poor light conditions beat anything else I’ve used, so part of me wishes I had - then I look at tge bulk and weight of what I carry, and decide not to get bigger glass because taking it with me is more important than the ultimate image quality it can produce. Tgere are probably parallels there with hifi…

Sure does.

I hope you understood it’s not my music. It was more aggregated noises.