Blue Jeans Ethernet cables

I use this method for testing cables. But not powercords which have to settle in . So for power cords, I listen to one for 1 hour or more, then connect the other powercord , wait around 30 minutes, and listen the same tracks. Then repeat the same processus later.

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Thank goodness for that, frenchrooster. You had me worried for a while.


Some people listen to that “ music “ during hours. Specially young people. God safe, I have not them as neighbours. :grinning:


Years ago (back in the film days) I switched to anon for a short while. When I went and sold my Canon 35mm 1.4 lens to another local pro, he asked me what it was about Leicas I like so much. I pulled out my Leica M 35mm 1.4 and set it next to the Canon. “Ewell for one reason, I can carry four of these for one of those,” was my answer. I’ve had awful neck and shoulder problems my whole life and just couldn’t take it anymore.

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One of the reasons I went for Olympus back in 1972. That and the amazingly bright and large viewfinder which made looking through other viewfinders somewhat like a What The Butler saw machine. Oh, and the amazing macrophoptographic and photomicrography potential. And the Off The Film light measurement.

I don’t know that domain, just like to take photos with my Sony rx 1000 mk2.
I know that some prefer still the old technology of cameras vs digital. The specs are less impressive but for some the photos are more true.

For a while it was true that film had better resolution than digital, but I think those days are behind us. People might still prefer film for aesthetic reasons (much, I suspect, as you prefer vinyl as I understand it).

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Are you sure?

Here a professional photographer who explains why he stills prefer old cameras. Sorry, it’s in french. It is out of topic but perhaps will not be armful to relax this thread . Less top specs but still preferred by some.
Sorry, in french.

photographie, il convient de maîtriser les vitesses d’ouverture et d’obturation. Tout repose sur la maîtrise de ces caractéristiques, sur le degré de familiarité avec votre appareil et, bien sûr, sur le sujet que vous photographiez. Tout cela devient encore plus fascinant quand on passe à la photographie argentique ! La technique est ce qui plaît aux amateurs et toutes les fonctionnalités des appareils argentiques sont entièrement mécaniques. Sans oublier leur côté vintage qui attire beaucoup de collectionneurs et séduit les investisseurs.

He (or she) is talking about aesthetics, not the relative technical merits of film versus digital. And I agree, there are many aspects of film photography that add to the pleasure of taking photographs - but at the end of the day, the versatility and resolution of (good) digital cameras is hard to beat. I have used film from about 1960 or 1961, and still have a couple of film bodies. For quite a while I preferred film over digital, because the resolution is so good. That seems not to apply any more. The main remaining advantage of film over digital is that the mush caused by the grain is irregular, and so in some ways it can be less intrusive, and even can be artistically pleasant, compared with the regular rectilinear ‘grain’ of digital.
One thing that I can do with film that I can’t do so well with digital is posterisation and solarisation. But is not often that I want to do that.


My brother in law used medium format film (Hasselblads), supplemented by Canon EOS film cameras. Digital was inferior for many years, and although he tried it wasn’t until Canon brought out the 1DX that he switched - and thinks it is so much better, and the use of Lightroom and Photoshop for any postprocessing is so much easier and more powerful than than in a darkroom.

HEY GUYS … thread drifting a bit ??
This is Streaming Audio & about Blue Jeans ethernet, why not start a Camera thread (& ask Richard to move your posts over)


For you but not for me. In fact I can say that all the spec cables I have sound better than the non-spec cables I have. See how that works.

You had not gave up still? Believe what you want. Honestly all this interests me very little. I test at home and I am or not satisfied.

I did think you were getting in to extreme metal music. I have steered clear of Scandinavian death metal because of the incident between Mayhem and Burzum.

Napalm Death are an interesting band and have interesting lyrics if you can decipher them. Cradle of Filth are a candidate for a remake of Spinal Tap.

If you want some psych metal then I think Cathedral is a splendid band. Have you ever read the adventures of Dr Syn also known as L’épouvantail by Russell Thorndyke?

Ideal for streaming through Blue Jeans Cables.

Tiberio, it was just a response to Mike who said I probably prefer listen to noise. So I choose the most unlistenable track I could find and gave reason to Mike, with sarcastic humor.

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Mon, how now with the Vodka? Always the same sibilance?

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Your statement is a belief which is the point of my comment. It’s a personal truth, not a universal one.

I have never said it’s an universal point. Relax, drink some vodka, but without cinnamon…because you don’t like the later I think to remember. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:

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Any fan of Edgar Varèse is OK by me.
Varèse thought that "to stubbornly conditioned ears, anything new in music has always been called noise”, and posed the question, “what is music but organized noises?” I wonder what Edgard would have thought of these cable threads.

The present day composer refuses to die.

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