Boenicke W22 impressions

Yes it was in that exact room.

It was driver with all Boenicke components with exception of the CD player he used, I think.

Thank you Kryptos,

You mentioned that before. I still wonder if the dealer use the new NC Naim gear to drive the Boenickes on other occasions. Who is it? Hope it is ok to ask :slight_smile:

Yes they most certainly do. At the start of the demo we listened to the W8SE+ which was on NSS 333, NAC332 with NPX 300 and the NAP 250 NC.

At home I drive my W5 SE+ with Atom HE into NAP 250 DR.

Naim gives excellent results with the Boenicke speakers.

As far as I know the dealer will still have the W22 for a while and for that time will use Naim source and amplification instead. The dealer is in Utrecht and mentioned next to the date of the top description of the video, but:

Thank you for your reply.

How did the Naim 8se+ combo sound? Did you ever had the possibility to hear the different versions of the same speaker : Pure/ se / se+ ?

That is interesting that they use Naim on Boenicke.
I get excellent result as well, but have heard mine additionally just with a Dartzeel integrated.

Sven Boenicke is an interesting person with different views, but he must also be a businessman. On my question about pairing Naim with his speakers, he answered not to have heard how Naim sounded and that the most elektronics on the marked have the need to be improved :wink:

It sounded really great. However between the W5SE+ and the W8SE+ I will buy the W5 again if I had the choice. The W8 has better bass, for sure, but the W5 just outperforms it for me in terms of the midrange and imaging especially. But I think that will come down a lot to personal taste.

When I was shopping for speakers I listened to W5, W5SE+ and normal W8 and now I have heard the W8 SE+. In both cases the SE+ provides just this extra layer of depth and detail. I think it will be also up to the listener to decide if it is worth the extra outlay, but I instantly heard the difference and it was large enough for my ears to go for it.

Yeah he obviously has a very specific approach to it and yes, he wants to make money. But I think there is room for personal taste (and budget) as well. For example, I demoed the S1 Boenicke speakers cable that is made for my speaker but for me it was far too bright so I ended up buying the MIT Evo3 cable.

As far as I know the Boenicke electronics also don’t come cheap. And honestly the W5s are singing in my Naim system. The dealer, who was originally a Naim dealer way way before they offered Boenicke, agrees and that is why they added Boenicke as speaker range to their offering. They pair a lot of Naim with Boenicke.

Interesting, what you mention about the w8 vs your w5 and your decission. Never heard a w5 and bought my w 11se blind and 2nd hand. If there was a “+” version available at that time I would have bought it. I heard one at a dealer´s place in Dusseldorf for 1 hour, when I was over for a visit. It was chained with a Dartzeel 8550 and a TT.

from it´s size the 8 would have fittet maybe my space better since it is not that large (4x6 meter).I play over the short side. I was afraid of heavy overpowering in the bass. Still took the risk, since the w11 has the ability to adjust the bass through the low frequency terminal.

Still remember the process of acclimatization in the room. The Boenickes are special in this respect here since they milled out of solid wooden pieces. The first week i seriously thought it was broken, haha. But then…I am glad i passed the test. As I mentioned before, never heard instrument so present and beautiful, authentic rendered. The SL2 is something special , when it comes to speed, but the difference is obvious.

The size of the speakers is on the edge in my space. Boenickes need a lot of space around them to breath and play at their best i was told. But I am surprised, that they also work 25cm from the back wall. In the process I also changed the positions of the speakers (have the swinging base) and lowered the bass with one step “- 1” . Hmmmmm, though some low frequencies improved (have a standing wave somewhere close to my sitting position), I felt that the rendering of a piano suddenly lost it´s full potential, which was more important to me. So now I have it just on the neutral position in the base.

Interesting, what you write about the S1. In the end it is a quite a chunk of money. Many producers seem to make money out for cables and other gadgets. I remained on my trusted Naca 5 so far, but might experiment in the future.

Bit keen to hear his electronics. The small poweramp is still quite affordable :wink:

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I have not heard the 11 but from what the dealer said that would be a totally different discussion to W5 vs W8. And did you know you can have the W11 upgraded by Boenicke? They offer an upgrade option to bring it to SE or SE+. You have to ship it in the original containers though.

That it totally out for the W5. The Naca 5 cable it soo stiff. The W5 HAS to be able to move freely. You should see it on the stands, if you touch them they sway. All done to dissipate the energy. What he did in the W22 with the floating speakers he did in the W5 with free movement on the stand.

Ah, that is good to know about the upgrade, but I guess my bargain would be gone by then :wink: I guess it will be quite costly. Got the w 11 quite afordable and went for it.

Yeah, I understand your choice of another cable. With the W5 the NACA 5 makes less sense. The standmounts doesn`t have that problem.

As far as I know the rack supporting his own electronics was floating as well.

Fasinating :slight_smile:

Will see if more naim owners will try a Boenicke by time.

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Probably not wrong. The W11 → W11SE+ upgrade costs more than my W5SE+ in total :smiley:

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That is quite insane. I guess my SE is the golden midth :slight_smile:

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Sheesh if you have the SE already for a good price you should be very happy.

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I have also heard the W5 and W8 and agree the the W5 is the way to go.

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I heard much smaller Boenicke speakers a few years ago fronted by a Computer Audio Design source sounding magnificent. The preamp looks interesting and if I were ever to leave the Naim fold, Boenicke is a brand I’d definitely investigate. Lovely.


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