

Can anyone recommend a good biography?



I’ve not read this one but I have read AR’s comparison of Bonaparte an Wellington, which was excellent.

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Bandolier by Budgie. Includes songs Napoleon Bona Part 1 and Napoleon Bona Part 2 :rofl:

Sorry, I couldn’t resist!


Thank you guys!

Decent English language biographies of Napoleon are difficult to come by for some reason. I don’t personally like the Andrew Roberts book more, I suppose, because I find Robert’s writing affected by his political views but that’s just my opinion so don’t dismiss it because of that.

The definitive English language biography is Phillip Dwyer’s trilogy but it’s a very long read. If it is the military side you are interested in then David Chandler’s The Campaigns of Napoleon is very good but again a long read.

If you have a Kindle try the American historian Alan Schom but don’t pay the price for the paperback or hardback.


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