Brendan Croker RIP.

Surprised this hasn’t come up really. The lovely Brendan Croker passed away aged 70 from leukaemia. I only became aware of this because of an equally lovely obituary in the Guardian yesterday.

During my time as a student in Leeds he was never fashionable and to some degree ridiculed by fellow students as he ploughed a largely unfashionable furrow of folk, country and rock. He was always there gigging in the background when bigger acts were in town and in many ways he was a man with terrible timing. A few years either way and he could have ridden the crest of things like Americana. I suspect his persona and songwriting were just a little too minor key for the big time but he was a decent singer, songwriter and performer. I was never a fan but it was gratifying to see Knopfler pick him up during his Notting Hillbillies/McCartney solo period.

Used to see him around Leeds in the record shops I frequented and some of the gigs I was at too. No side or edge to him and he was also lovely to listen to when talking about those artists he loved.


Saw him with Hillbillies in 1990. Great evening.


Mike, thank you for raising this. I hadn’t seen the report and I am a fan of his and his Five O’clock Shadows. He will be much missed in our house. RIP Brendan and thank you for all the music.


We appear to be small in number.

But clearly cultured and having of a fine taste.

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I knew of him through his playing on Tanita Tikaram’s evergreen debut album Ancient Heart:

The liner notes had an unusual advert for him and his band:

Also, my first serious girlfriend was a real folkie and loved her Brendan Croker tape!


(By the way, does anyone recognise the landscape the Ancient Heart photos were taken in?)


Rosedale Chimney Bank


Wow, on the North York Moors? That’s only half an hour from where I grew up and where my Dad and sister still live! Never recognised it - thank you!



This is apparently one of the steepest roads in England and rightly feared by many a cyclist.

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