Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2024 - New Product Launch

Thanks, appreciate hearing your findings. I also have an NSC222 inbound this week so now back to a Naim only system again, with the Selekt DSM exiting the party!


A great amp, weighs a ton, literally, and you donā€™t need your central heating on, when using it :grin:


All that was undeniably true! Canā€™t confirm the 1 tonne though ā€¦ my scales were starting to smoke ā€¦ :slight_smile: ā€¦ I read something about the speaker outputs powering a hammer drill but I didnā€™t try it.

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I may be out weight wise, maybe half a ton!, itā€™s a few years ago now, since I owned mine, but fond memories.

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Interesting. If you donā€™t mind me asking, why the change?

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Maybe a new line of integrates with, as requested for years by many, speaker terminals on the proper sides which will of course justify a massive price increase.

It sounds like you werenā€™t enamoured with itā€¦ out of interest what made you buy it to start with?

I built a clone of the Krell KSA50. The good thing about it was that I never had to turn the heating on when it was running. I also listened to the KSA100 back in the day when Krell was getting a lot of favorable attention in the UK HiFi press. It was very different to the Naim gear I had up to that point and much more expensive. The solidity of the bass was really great but otherwise I found it to be a bit too analytical for my taste. In retrospect I think that the sound of the KSA100 was more influenced by their incredibly heavy duty power supplies rather than being Class A.

Will be interested in your impressions as the Power Lines, standard XLR and NACA5 work very well to my cloth ears. Clear potential consequences if you like it though, to get the speaker cable too assuming you donā€™t have that already. Enjoy the demonstration which ever way you decide to go.

I have SL Speaker Cables and PowerLines from my 272/XPS DR/250 DR system, so feedback will be on a ā€˜full loomā€™ context.


In that case I can only see it going one way :sunglasses:.

Stoppit :joy:

It just felt like the right move, from an overall system synergy perspective. Iā€™d anticipated doing it at some point.
Iā€™ve got a lot of love for the Selekt and may well return to it again at some point.
Iā€™ve had mine for about 5 years now and originally used it as a 5.1 surround integrated.
Linn havenā€™t maintained it as such and itā€™s now focused on 2 channel capabilites (as of 2022).
I got a decent trade in on it that made the 222 cost hardly noticable which also helped push me in that direction. I got a brand new one, thereā€™s now ex demo 200 Series in the wild so I can also add an NPX for less, may well add one of those sooner than later as a result.

There was a NPX for sale recently, for Ā£2,000 below retail. It may still be out there.

They are out there for sure, thankfully thereā€™s only one PSU for 200/300 Series so itā€™s likely a sound investment longer term. I imagine the two boxes will keep me satisfied for some time having said that but never say never, not round these parts at least!

OK, makes sense. Enjoy your new 222! :grinning:

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Haha, if I had to list every item of hi-fi Iā€™ve moved on from ā€¦ Iā€™d need my own forum :slight_smile:

ā€¦ so your tastes changed? Thatā€™s fair enough.

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Short term - impressive - long term - fatiguing. As it happens ā€¦ I found the same with SL DIN and have reverted to HL.

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Yep, been there :grinning: