Bristol Hi-Fi Show 2024 - New Product Launch

I’d bet Naim will continue replacing model lines as, to me, there are too much of them, xs and
So, they might replace ndx2 and nd5xs2 with some streamer, and the price will be somewhere in between, closer to ndx2
Some of the Nait 5si, XS2 and Supernait will be replaced with some new models, probably, with the power off button on the front panel. Most likely, there will be something like Nait 5si 2 that will replace 5si + XS2.
So, in short:
Nait 5si, XS2 → Nait xxx (not sure what code it might be)
ndx2 and nd5 xs2 → ndx3 but with different name

At the Naim demo I was at at Bristol Show Mark Raggett described the NSS333 as the replacement for the NDX2.



Well, not really. The NAC332 has a line out available on one of the DINs (input 8) so you can attach a recorder to it, but there’s no proper tape loop or monitoring facility, so any monitoring would need to be done directly via the recorder.

Input 8 (5 pin DIN) has line level outputs mirroring the currently selected source. Note that when this input is selected the source connected will be mirrored, so beware of feedback loops if using a recording source.

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Would love to see a little power amp for the atom

Thanks for that, I hadn’t seen the MC review. I haven’t come to a final conclusion yet, but we probably both know where this ends :innocent:.

Obviously great minds……….

I’ll get my coat :smirk:.


Well if you get them, I’ll have to as well of course, but only because you did…

You’d better get your piggy bank to resus then, all mine heard was a voice shouting CLEAR! :joy:.

Obviously a personal audition is essential, but for my own part I found the SL XLR added as much again to the 222/300/250 as the 300 did to the 222/250. Very, very much to my surprise I might add. In a word, it’s just gorgeous. Never mind how or what it does, it’s just the sound. Absolutely out of the park!

Going back to the factory standard XLR’s was a palpable hit to the system, really noticeable and repeatable.

But then, that’s just to my ears, YMMV.

Definitely worth a home audition though, if only just to hear the effect.

PS: (From Martin Colloms review) ‘… I was happy to leave this stack installed until the job was completed and felt no urgency to swap it out. The promised improvement from the optional NPX 300 power supply was convincingly delivered. We tried cable upgrades, and the inherent quality was high enough to clearly hear the advantage of Naim’s Super Lumina, though this cable series comes at a high price.” - really can’t disagree with any of that


Agreed, My system needs running in regardless for a period of time before changing anything, but I have an opportunity to dona home demo and comparison much like yourself when the time is right. I need to catch my breath a bit where new kit is concerned :smile:

Resistance is admirable but futile in the hifi world. Enjoy it - in your set up and room it appears to deliver - you can’t ask for much more than that. Thanks for sharing :+1:.

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Have we all been assimilated?

Oh dear………

Note new part number and product description (recent build date) vs set supplied for demo. Also the interconnect is now supplied as two separate XLR leads as opposed to a shotgun cable design.

This will be interesting…… :thinking:



How’s the fresh out the oven cable itself looking?

Looks - nondescript, sounds - exquisite and can only get better! :grinning:


This was recently published and I tend to agree with him, what do others think.


Unfortunately, I was not able to make Bristol this year so I don’t know what was played. When I do go, I always make a beeline for the Chord Company demo and always come away with something new. I cannot remember Wilson Benesch ever playing any of the tracks listed.
In the days when you could take an LP or CD, a bit of variety was possible, now that streaming of one form or another seems to be the major source, in theory giving access to even more tracks, it seems harder to get requests. I avoid asking for any kind of “folk” because for some reason it empties rooms faster than a fire alarm sounding (I cannot recall where that was, but people were very reluctant to leave), even asking for Grace Jones emptied a room. In my experience Audio Note actually want you to ask, then more recently you have Rega asking you to make a choice.
I get a feeling that in some demos you do get more variety now, could that be because, whilst those attending might be old, the people with enough stamina to survive three days of doing the demo and talking to the public are younger?

A lot of it probably stems from personal choice of those driving the demos, as well as making safe choices in order to not have people grating their teeth together.
The demo environments are never ideal, no one sits and listens that way at home, if they do, that’s a bit weird :hugs:
I can’t say personally I’d make a serious purchase decision from what I hear at a show, it’s fundamentally a day escape and a bit of fun, if there’s something specific you’ve already made a choice to buy it’s a good chance to save a little with a show discount.
They could perhaps allow people to vote
online in advance and create a vox pops playlist that is common across all the demos?
female vocals and acoustic guitars feature frequently I find, nothing against that but it gets a bit samey eventually. The worst characteristic for me is a system being played far too loud for the room size just because it can and it’s a bit showy to do so, it’s rarely pleasant when a room does this, and results in my rapid exit.

I think that manufacturers are dammed if they do play from a set list and dammed if they mix it up, you’ll never please everyone all of the time, what works for one may not work for me and of course others have a different view again.

So what do you do?

An electronic list of 50 titles on a touch pad, as each person enters the room they pick the track they want to hear, once everyone is seated then the votes can be tallied and the top half a dozen tracks get played.

But this would only work if you like the selection in the beginning, the selection could of course be changed during the day, but you are still going to be limited to a tiny proportion of the music that is out there.

Not sure that it is possible to get this right.

Surely the show is only a taster for what might be? The time for serious listening is in the dealer’s demo room or even better at home, with your own music selection.

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I can say that personally I did do that once. It was in the early 70s at a show near Heathrow airport (in one of those execrable hotels there) and I was 20 something years old. It was the B&W room in the day that it was still Bowers & Wilkins and indeed John Bowers was running the demo. He was showing off their then very new Model 70 loudspeakers (later renamed DM70). He played some choral music by Elgar and it was like I had never heard before. I went back two or three times during the day and made the decision that my Dad was going to purchase a pair.

I went home so infectiously enthused that he did in fact buy a pair a couple of months later and a few years later, so did I.