Building Lego

My Sis asked the same thing this afternoon! :laughing:

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A woman of rare humour :rofl:


Looks like a long build - stay positive and avoid that sinking feeling!


Just the tip of the iceberg…


7 bags in out of 21. Just easing myself in before the Millennium Falcon starts in the New Year.


Well Done, Mines still in its box !, I will get round to it soon :grin:

Incredible, some are even cheating and using the manual…now if we could only introduce that to the Hi-Fi threads :crazy_face:


I wouldn’t even attempt to build this without the manuals, looking at it now at the end of stage 2, its a big patchwork of colour, I take my hat off to who designs / comes up with the concept, cos they are far cleverer than me!

Hi-fi is easy peasy, just plug a few cables in… :grin:

I will be cheating later after tea.

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Did bags 1-4 of the wee boatie today. Had “help” from Jasmine…….

Took me two hours - only another 42 bags to go.

First funnel section tomorrow.


Well Impressed, think yours will be finished well before mine :+1:

Day 2:

And Pixie


You are way in front of me, I finished bag 3 last night.

Is that the cheaper version after it hit the iceberg


TBF, it’s cheaper than lots of cough hifi……

But seriously, the model is built in three sections. Each section appears to have around 12-14 “bags” of bits (around 3000 bricks). Section 1 has bags 1-12; I’m on bag 8, so the big holes in the sides are due to the yet-to-be-opened bags.

I have been searching on the “Lego builders/MOC” websites for a suitable Lego Iceberg, but alas, none have presented themselves


You’re going to need a big display case and area for that.


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Kid 3 bought this box yesterday. Personally I think it’s a good choice since it’s a 3 in 1. He’s not the kind of person who just builds something himself but needs instructions.

My personality is entirely different and would not even consider following the instructions but just build something. I still believe that having Lego as a kid has shaped my personality in a certain way.

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That’s a great set and you will enjoy the build :+1:

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I’ve got a 50’s Lambretta in the garage so needed a Vespa in my life too :slight_smile:

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Seen your Lambretta Build, it looks stunning :+1: would look good both of them together :grin:

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