Thinking of replacing my XPS2 for 555PS. Does my existing single burndy stay with the XPS2? In other words do I have to buy two new burndys in addition to the 555PS?
The S-XPS Burndy comes as standard with the XPS2.
The 555PS does not come with any Burndy, as it can be used with either an S-XPS Burndy or with the pair of Burndies that come with the CD555 or ND555 head units, so an S-XPS Burndy is an optional extra.
So just to be clear, if buying a new 555PS to use with an existing NDS head unit I also need to buy a new pair of burndys?
Yes…if your NDS didn’t come with them included …they were an extra cost option…but a lot of NDS were sold with them
The Burndy pair that are used to connect a 555PS to an NDS or ND555 are different from the SXPS burndy. You need to sell your SXPS burndy with the XPS2, and buy a new pair.
thanks, as I thought
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