Burndy question

I was cleaning out a box and found in it a NA XPS Burndy and a SXPS Burndy.
I know the SXPS Burndy can be used to connect the NDac to the 555PS and perhaps other connections as well.
What about the XPS Burndy? Can it still be used with the Classic equipment or only with Olive?

Olive or Old Classic= same.

The XPS (or S-XPS) Burndy will do what it does - say between an XPS and NDX2 or CDX2…

I seem to remember that there are differences.

I dont recall clearly, but I think there was an issue with the NDS, in that when powering via an XPS the XPS must be from after a certain serial number…?

I’m almost sure I encountered an issue along these lines, at one time.

Perhaps @Richard.Dane could fefresh my memory!?

The original XPS cannot be used with the Naim Streamers.

According to Naim “the problem is that when the original (olive) XPS was conceived, the current draw on one of the 15V rails was minimal when used with a CD player, so the Supercap transformer could be used. Even though the particular windings were outputting over twice the regulated output voltage. When a more significant load is placed on that regulator (a streaming unit), it gets hot. So hot that it will reach the threshold whereupon it will shut down.”

The XPS2 is fine as it used a new dedicated transformer.

Using either an earlier XPS or an S-XPS Burndy is fine.

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Thank you, Richard.

I knew I had a vague recollection with something to do with new vs old XPS compatabilities!

This was also being confused with my recollection of the 2x 555 cables, when used on an NDS.
I discovered that using only the 1st 555 cable, but with an XPS2 was not the same as an S-XPS cable, even though the NDS manual called both cables “S-XPS” in both connection guide illustrations!
Of course, a quick call to Naim instantly clarified the issue!

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