Hello everyone
I’m a little confused. I bought a brand new XPS DR 2019 where they included a Burndy NA with a number. Apparently there are different Burndy’s. But no one asked me for what purpose or what other gear on Naim I wanted to connect it. I have a XP5xs with a S-XPS buddy cable also. What is the difference between the two cables. I believe I should use the official new Burndy packed with the my new XPS DR but I’m not sure since I read a lot of different Burndy cables but never of the NA with number type ones.
Thank you in advance for your help and answers.
They will be exactly the same. Both should say S-XPS on the collar. The XP5xs and XPS can only use the S-XPS burndy. As you say, there are other types of burndies but these are for preamps and active crossovers powered by a Supercap.
David, as HH says above, they should both say S-XPS on the banded collar and will both be the same. The number just refers to the person at Naim who built the cable.
Of course, one of the Burndy cables should already be run-in though…
But my Burndy only has the code NA 901…(dont remeber the number exactly) and does not say XPS at all.
I Have connectet it to my CDX2. Is that wrong because the cable is designed for a preamp ? It was not marked to use it with specified Naim gear. Or is the XPS DR different when connected with Burndy cable ? Its not really clear how it shoud be used and marked.
Even asking Naim, (very friednly) but it did not answer my question, only that there are different Burndes cables.
Thank you.
The NA 901 says who made it, not what it is. If it came with the XPS and it fits the XPS socket it should be ok. Check that the pins are the same as on your other burndy just to be sure. It’s odd that it doesn’t say S-XPS though.