Cable for Nait 5si

Good morning, it’s my first post in this community, I write from Italy.
I got a new Nait 5si a few days ago and wanted to ask you a few questions.

  1. I use QED Signature Revelation 3+3 m speaker cables, are they good for the capacitance values?
  2. Is the power cable supplied, should I change it or is this one fine?
  3. as signal cables I use AQ Red River RCA-RCA are they fine or is the RCA-DIN connection better to my Denon 1600ne CD player?
    Thanks to all these are my first questions
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I found RCA - RCA far better but most on here will disagree.
Try for yourself it’s easy to tell the difference.
Remember to select through the remote menu to choose output selection.
Have fun.


Thanks I wasn’t aware of this remote menu. I don’t have a Din RCA cable I would have to buy it specifically to try it.

Hi @giannifocus, many forum members use various cables and connections. The more modern gear allows for more room in that aspect.

For me, in the end I always found all-Naim cabling to provide the best holistic experience overall. Almost as if they used it to develop the electronics :wink:

Which in your case would mean a run of NACA5 speaker cable and the Naim RCA>DIN interconnect. Both available from your dealer and also easy to find pre-loved.

YMMV though, only one way to find out and that is to try it.


There isn’t one. I think @Skeptikal may be getting confused with the CD5Si CD player where you can switch between RCA and DIN outputs.

On your Nait, the Tuner and CD inputs have paralleled RCA and DIN inputs - you can use either. As you already have RCA cables, the just stick with those.


Good afternoon.
Your cables should be nice with your 5si.
Let it all play for a while and judge for yourself if something is missing.
Although it will respond well to upgrading the supplied power cable. AQ do some nice NRG power cables that should match well with your Red River rca.


Thank you James.
I getting a seat at the front of the class now.
That’s my schoolboy error for today.
Cheers. :zipper_mouth_face: :+1:t2:

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I always use RCA-RCA if possible. :+1:t2:


The important spec with Naim speaker cable is inductance, not capacitance.
The Revelation cables have 0.52uH/m inductance and 35pF/m capacitance.
However Naim integrated are not so fussy about speaker cables and your 3m length = 1.56uH in total and although not copybook correct, it will not be a problem.
Maybe something to upgrade in future

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Thanks guys everyone for the contributions.
So to recap for the signal cables, I’ll leave everything as it is.
For the power supply I will do some tests even if I once read that the Naims were insensitive to these cables and it was better to use the one supplied. It is true? Regarding the speaker cables, today a friend said that he had a pair of Nac A5s and I tried them.
Very rigid but I didn’t really like them in terms of sound. Sound too closed and muffled, when I put the Qeds back on it was like watching a 4K film.
If you tell me that they don’t harm the Nait, I’ll gladly keep them, otherwise recommend something that has a sound like the Qed but which respects the parameters of the Naim.

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My Kudos KS-1 wiped the floor with any of my other cables, included WH Phantom, A5, K20, Chord Co. QED something among others.


I would venture this has something to do with running a Naim system with various components from this brand (also creating the desired earth/ground arrangement), or with other components believed to match the Naim-sound, versus your 2-box system with a Naim amp and a very different brand of source.

For me Naim cabling is a form of system matching I also found out with my previous Rega system. In that 4-box + TT system I tried all sorts of exotic cables (mainly Nordost and Chord Company) and ended up just using all-Rega cabling. It did take away some particular hifi aspects, but the end result was to my ears a more satisfying experience overall.

On the other hand it’s very well possible that I’m just a victim of brand-marketing. In addition to subscribing to the Naim and Rega system/cabling philosophies I also tend to believe Linn regarding the LP12 upgrades and feel actually relieved this has been taken into account.

Good that you tried it out for yourself, always the best way. It is most important to find what works for you, regardless of what others say. Enjoy your system!

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From my experience with the 5i series I can tell you what I learned. Using a new generation naim five pole or flashback between nait 5i and cd 5i nothing sounded better than them. A VDH RCA was good but not as good as the Din. Things change if you use non-naim sources. in this case a good brand RCA such as VDH and Supra is fine with the 5i series. For speaker cables the naca5 did nothing special. I preferred a good twisted copper cable with electromagnetic shielding. Moving on to the classic Naim series, the rules change and everything is called into question. I hope I was helpful. Henry


Thanks for the reply. I believe they are original as they have the micro writing printed on the edge of the colored cap. Usually these products are made of conductive materials, from simple brass or copper to special and precious materials such as silver or other. I wonder if deltron or SA8 have something like this or just give metal heads. Having done a lot of experimenting with cables and connectors I would love to hear about the experiences of the rest of you.

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