Cables off the floor, why?

I watched Paul from PS Audio on Youtube talking about this and how he removed the first reflex panels in their big demo room for the same reason :blush:

And some people like highly ā€œcolouredā€ speakers because they say they make music excitingā€¦

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You will need to cancel prominent reflections for accurate stereo and sound ā€¦ otherwise you will get timing smearing and comb filtering. You will likely need absorbers in boundaries to stop frequency build up, unless you are in a very large room and you and the speakers are well away from the boundaries with the exception of the floor.
Remember some people like distortion and time distortion effects(smearing)ā€¦ think of it like soft focusā€¦ it can also be what we are used tooā€¦ and some domestic hifi speakers are designed with limitations in typical listening environments in mindā€¦ hifi speakers are not typically studio monitorsā€¦ so it is true correct room treatments are not for everyone, as we mostly appreciate different things when we listen to audioā€¦ and perfect replay is not what it always is about.
I find good quality headphones roughly aligned to the Harman curve profile with quality headphone amp with some cross feed gives a good impression of ideal sonic conditions, but it isnā€™t for everyone.

For some of us certain distortions and room deficiencies turn music into a noise. For others their brain may happily ignore all these colourationsā€¦ unfortunately I am in the former. I also am picky where I go in a concert hall to avoid too much a diffuse sound as it destroys the music for me. I canā€™t abide playing music in the backgroundā€¦ its all or nothing with me.

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I just like to enjoy my music and really couldnā€™t be bothered if itā€™s colored or not. I donā€™t even know how people find out if the sound is colored or not. Do you do a DAC and then ADC somewhere in the chain and see if the graphs have changed?

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Hifi stereo sound is really black and white. With various shades of grey.

Iā€™m with you 100%. It seems that being an audiophile is a never ending search for something but itā€™s true identity is unknown. I read some posts on here and wonder if certain people actually listen to music at all, or enjoy it at least. In some extreme cases itā€™s certainly seems like a lot of wasted time and money and I get anxiety reading their posts.


The problem with treating a room is that you need to know what are you need to treat.
This means you need professional help with the right gear to start with to make sure you get it right, or have a better chance of getting it right.
You can just throw stuff in the room and hope for the best, but really thatā€™s pointless.
The problem is how it all looks, and thatā€™s a major factor for 99%.


I actually think you make more sense than most on herešŸ‘šŸ¼

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I thank you. :wink: :+1:t2:

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Surely youā€™d be better off just listening to some musicā€¦


Thatā€™s exactly my planšŸ‘šŸ¼

I did a little experiment over the weekendā€¦

I raised up all my powerline cables using foam strips, around an inch squared and about 4 inches long.

Sounded terrible, a lot of the imaging i love vanished. found this interesting

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Hidden behind foam blocks and suspended cables!

i dont know how it happened!hahahahaha it sounds nuts

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I have my powerlines raised tied to satelite cable which goes in opposite direction. Thought I would give it a go! Sounds good.

Thats really interesting Dan, are yours sort of hung from that cable?

This is how mine seem to work best


Switched sockets. :flushed:

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im really sorry mate!haha

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The sockets are a bit too far away from power supplies. Wanted then away from speaker cables and internet cables which are in trunking.

Sounds good.