Cables off the floor, why?

Looks really neat, i think its good to have some distace because of the length of a powerline, mine are way closer so i have to do that loop


hows the 500 sounding now mate? its been a bit of time

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The 500DR is awesome mate. Has made a huge difference. As big as my speaker upgrade last July.

It was worth it. Would recommend it with 252 or 52.

I donā€™t feel the need for anything else right now.

how long did it take to sound right? im sort of contemplating getting a 500 this year but i might put it on its own stack in the middle, i think everything will reach

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I found the PL suffered from being bundled together. Have you tried to have them more separated from each other?

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:scream: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :wink:


Iā€™m guessing the character of power cables can change when being tight together leading to differences in performance. Powerline also doesnā€™t contain any shielding so Iā€™m guessing itā€™s more influenced than a shielded cable with what is around it. Thereā€™s also a saying that power cables should only touch 90 degress against each other and never in parallell.


I have just undone cable ties so we shall see how that sounds now.


Yes, but it is not so difficult to improve the situation = the basics are not do difficult to do, if you know how to use a tape measure, in a way you follow sonic hygiene senseā€¦ you are not going for total improvement, just a significant one compared to the often ghastly setups when no consideration has been taken (in my experience listening to other peopleā€™s systems). Many professional will tell you in most shared environments there is fair degree of trial and error.
But in my opinion if you are focusing on new mains feeds, high end cables, linear power supply 'itus and high end support - you are kidding yourself if you donā€™t address the basics in room treatmentsā€¦ or focus on high end headphones and headphone amp.





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Very interesting to hear how you perceive the change in layout.

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It sounded good within 3 or 4 days. Then seemed to get better and better. First few days a bit up and down. Sounded harsh at times. Once settled I am changed things a bit. Powerlines into radial sockets rather than block. Nothing major.

I would get a 500DR if you can, even before a 552 if you like your music loud. It gives alot more grip on my speakers, effortless power, more weighty bass, more dynamics and detail. But this is versus 135s, not 300DR.

The bit that interests me is the dynamics, i dont think my speakers are hard to drive. i do remember when i went from sopra 1 to diablo i had to turn the volume up a bit more so maybe they are. i dont think they are as demanding as your big sopras though

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Going from 135s to 500DR massive detail, dynamics and could hear more of everything. Much better amp. Better than what I ever imagined. For me I have never looked back.

And getting 552 done doesnā€™t seem essential at all with the 52 and 500DR.


Hey Dan, how did it work out? Any difference?


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Haha I havenā€™t got a clue if it makes a differenceā€¦ but after reading a few comments a few years ago I bought some cheap Pipework insulation and isolated as best I couldā€¦ still a mess thou :joy:

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30-40 years ago it was rarely if ever mentioned and I cannot ever recall a Naim dealer advising it when they were closing in on a sale.

It may be complete bollocks or there may be a marginal benefit - honestly donā€™t know as I canā€™t be arsed with it - that in itself is unusual as Iā€™m a bit OCD about many things.

Frankly if itā€™s so much hassle Iā€™d rather not bother until I have more me time than is sensible.


The Vyborg elevators. So discreet , unobtrusive.