Calling 222 owners

the NDX2 and 222 have the same streamimg platform afaik bar the dac, nothing to do with area or supply chain, just extremely unlucky combined with poor qc

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They’re not the same, Steve went into some detail on the streaming implementation in the NC threads. You should check it out. Seven faulty products sounds like more than bad luck to me. Good luck either way.


Funny just finished reading the review of the 222/300/250 and they said the opposite. Just goes to show how personal this can be a why it’s not wise to make those sweeping statements about them being better or worse than the originals that some members love to post.

2022…!? It’s still happening…? :roll_eyes:

The farce with my Father’s Nova was in Jan 2018……

I think this was Nova #2 ….(sorry poor pic quality) As you can see, protective plastic wasn’t even being removed by this stage (a habit I’ve learnt to stick to for a period of time… :wink: )

Really? What’s next – sending out box kits with Capacitors and Toroidal Transformers and we make up our own kit…?! :roll_eyes: :rofl:

It’s just a layer of 3M tape…how hard can it be…? What’s curious, is it just seems to be the Nova, from reports I’ve ever seen…Why not other similar devices eg Star, Atom, Core etc…?


Can’t remember anything like that from Steve. Could you link it?

Think this maybe what you are after:

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That is the Dac implementation, not the streaming section. As far as I can tell the streaming board etc are the same

Yes the streaming card (NP800), I think is the same, but the SHARC DSP chip is part of the digital board. The DSP applied within the SHARC DSP chip in the new classic range appears to have changed given dac chip choice.
Whatever I think your sources are far superior!

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did your 222 sound quite edgy out of the box and did it improve? I see you have the 300npx though.

For the record, I really liked the 222 when I borrowed it. I just get a bit fed up by some of the ridiculous hyperbole constantly posted by some owners and dealers (not you!).

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The NDX2 is more buttery and smoother than the the 222 in my experience, kind of a bigger sound signature that one can call also more immersive?

The 222 feels more detailed, better instrument separation, better soundstage and more air, more (a lot more) immediate and present, faster and with more tempo (to me at least).

In the end it’s about what you prefer more than anything but if it’s the NDX2 advantages, I can see why you may think of the 222 as more “edgy”. The 222 settles over time but the above signature definitely remains and that’s what I like about it, and why I personally prefer it to the NDX2.

May be the misfortune with the volume control on your 222 unit has been a lucky thing to have given you the chance to compare and stay with the NDX2 if it’s more to your taste and may be setup and speakers too?

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thanks, I think you’re spot on with your observations, listening to the slowdive album really freaked me out as to how it was unable to render it. Theres a lot to like in some areas as you describe but to me it fails in other crucial aspects that go beyond preferences. As you say maybe it will improve with time but not a gamble I’m willing to take.

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Yes, the 222 may improve as it settles (becomes more natural and relaxed in way) but not losing the above signature, this will not change. I think if you prefer the NDX2 now, you would prefer it later too.

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Stop torturing yourself just get your gear back and enjoy.
The grass is just as green. :+1:t2:

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One might expect that an NDX2 would sound better than the 222 as a source, but any such comparison would be more meaningful if you said what preamp you use it with, as that is an equally important factor.

I don’t know what one might expect but as an owner I’ve had both with different preamps, amps, speakers and cables - everything makes a difference but does not change my impressions described above (they’ve stayed constant), or preference. I can say though that I had the XPS DR on the NDX2 but have not heard at home the 222 with the NPX300 yet.

No although you are not the first to describe the sound as being edgy it’s not how I would describe it but network, room and speakers probably have a more significant influence on this. The 222/300/250 to my ears sounded very good out of the box and whilst I did have an issue I liked the combination sufficiently to go through the remediation process with Naim but I’m not sensing that is the case for you. If you like the NDX2/SN3 combination enjoy it and save the cash – win win!

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No offence was meant at all by my post. And thanks for sharing your hifi journey part of which influenced my recent Innuos purchase which I must say I’m very impressed with - thank you. (Similar to you I managed to purchase before price rises :grinning:).

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My 222 didn’t sound edgy at all, not even from the start. Given your problems I don’t think you’re getting an accurate representation of the product’s SQ. I didn’t get on with a naked NDX2, sounded thin and on the harsh side for me esp with a SN. It needs a PS to sound decent. The 222 sounds more realistic which is why I get on with it so.

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hmm strange that we’re having polar opposite experiences with both products