Calling 222 owners

Good luck and looks like best to get your gear back
Too many negatives to deal with would always be in my head.
I have a SN-3 and can’t see me needing anything else.
Your previous hiccups are sorted don’t start with a new set.
Don’t chase rainbows new isn’t always better. :frowning_face: :wink:


yes the SN3/NDX2 combo is a real sweetspot and I’m looking forward to going back there happy in the knowledge that the NC grass is not necessarily greener!

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I assumed that but nonetheless in the circumstances I would expect the dealer to come out and sort it.

You’ve barely switched it on and your volume knob is knackered so I’d be suspect that your kit is functioning properly. Understandable you’re frustrated. The 250NC has no problem with the Slowdive albums I’m listening to.

The 250 is fine I reckon, the 222 just cant seem to handle anything dense or complex, to my ears anyway. Other stuff sounds pretty good to be fair but it’s hit n miss whereas the NDX2 was much more consistant. I also notice that iradio is not so good either in comparison, it’s something I really liked about the NDX2 as I listen to a lot of radio and even low rez stations held up really well. I dont think the 222 is faulty in this regard it’s more that its not to my liking and expectation. I’m sure yours is better with the 555 but I wont be going there.

Your experience is not consistent with mine or many others. Is it possible you have it hooked up out of phase? The connections are different with the NC. Might be why it’s muting. Just a thought. Otherwise something sounds amiss.

nah its set up fine, I’m listening to Radio Paradise Mellow Mix now and its fine but definitely a bit edgy and crispy compared to what I’m used to

It’s too bad you got a defective unit, you’ll never really know if you heard how it is supposed to sound. And it warms up nicely over the first few days.

yes that’s very true, unfortunately it’s not possible to get another unit to compare against. Dealer has been great though and its been a complex train of events which have got me here that I wont go in to but I know I’ll get sorted however it’s all been incredibly frustrating and bordering on comical - this is my 7th faulty Naim unit!

Not sure why anyone expects a £5.7k streaming pre to sound better than a £6k dedicated streamer (unless they are listening to the few on here that say it is so)


Where do you live? Makes me wonder if you have supply chain issues for your area. As good as the NDX is the SN is holding it back. I find the 222/250 to be a better combo for the new streaming platform and the fact it gets maximized with the 250NC. It’s the best of two boxes for me. And with a 555 it’s just another league. The good news is you get to save some money.

the NDX2 and 222 have the same streamimg platform afaik bar the dac, nothing to do with area or supply chain, just extremely unlucky combined with poor qc

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They’re not the same, Steve went into some detail on the streaming implementation in the NC threads. You should check it out. Seven faulty products sounds like more than bad luck to me. Good luck either way.


Funny just finished reading the review of the 222/300/250 and they said the opposite. Just goes to show how personal this can be a why it’s not wise to make those sweeping statements about them being better or worse than the originals that some members love to post.

2022…!? It’s still happening…? :roll_eyes:

The farce with my Father’s Nova was in Jan 2018……

I think this was Nova #2 ….(sorry poor pic quality) As you can see, protective plastic wasn’t even being removed by this stage (a habit I’ve learnt to stick to for a period of time… :wink: )

Really? What’s next – sending out box kits with Capacitors and Toroidal Transformers and we make up our own kit…?! :roll_eyes: :rofl:

It’s just a layer of 3M tape…how hard can it be…? What’s curious, is it just seems to be the Nova, from reports I’ve ever seen…Why not other similar devices eg Star, Atom, Core etc…?


Can’t remember anything like that from Steve. Could you link it?

Think this maybe what you are after:

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That is the Dac implementation, not the streaming section. As far as I can tell the streaming board etc are the same

Yes the streaming card (NP800), I think is the same, but the SHARC DSP chip is part of the digital board. The DSP applied within the SHARC DSP chip in the new classic range appears to have changed given dac chip choice.
Whatever I think your sources are far superior!

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did your 222 sound quite edgy out of the box and did it improve? I see you have the 300npx though.