Can a one box set-up compete with a multi box system

Your most welcome, and just a quick note to be sure you’re not forgetting a turntable psu in this equation (Rega psu and Linn Lingo or Radikal possibly) or perhaps even/also a phono stage.

I hope to end up one day with a 4-items (222/250 Naim and K-Radikal/LP12 Linn) system…
the LP12 is on a wall shelf, how to fit the rest including vinyl will be a luxury problem then.


I’ve been asking the same question.

The Linn Selekt is a lovely piece of kit and the concept is great, but I’m enjoying building my current system, it’s a journey right?! I love the sound it makes and every step I’ve taken - some new, some pre-loved - has provided an uplift.

My plan is to build a second system and that’s what gave me pause for thought. I’ve had a brief listen to the Selekt but the fact that I’m now thinking my current 4 boxes might become 6 or 7 tells a story. If I were to swap out the Supernait for pre/power combo then the SN could be the core of my second system. Hmmm

My feeling is that I’d end up spending similar money in either direction, on the basis that you get what you pay for. So, from the chair of contemplation I reckon I’ll continue down the multi-box, Naim track. I will have a listen to the NC and I will listen more to the Linn although with less enthusiasm than I set out with.

That Naim sound just makes me happy with the added bonus that there’s more good stuff to come.

All the best with your deliberations.


Enjoyment and performance are diferent things. No one (okay some people whom I fail to understand) derives pleasure solely from the sound quality where the environment they are in doesn’t matter at all. You don’t turn off your other senses while listening to music and because it is inherently an emotional experience, the environment you’re in plays a key role.

To that end, the comfort level of the room and visual appeal relative to your preference will greatly affect the enjoyment derived from a listening session.

Therefore, regardless of ultimate performance, a system that breaks the listener’s sense of environmental harmony will deliver less pleasure than one that doesn’t (for most people). So I would say a single/low box system in the right room delivers more than a multi box system in the wrong room. But a room that can easily and tastefully accomodate a large system can really deliver some wow factor in a listening session.


It’s worth bearing in mind that the Selekt is not just one thing but varies from a sub £5k all-in-one to a £17k streamer/pre and there’s a host (over 100 I believe) of intermediate possibilities in between. They vary enormously in functionality and SQ, too. This makes comparisons with alternatives tricky; it really does depend on price point and just what is being compared with what.

I also have a little Naim based one box setup in my office: Atom plus Neat speakers, which is great fun. For concentrated deep listening, the main system wins as it should for the price difference, but both are enjoyable in their different ways. Personally I feel fortunate to have two such excellent UK-based hifi companies to choose from. Oh, and having the wherewithal, too.



I had to admit to myself that I cannot do with a single box - some combination of curiosity and a certain desired SQ level. I also discovered that I cannot be happy with the multiple boxes either - even if SQ is better - I get annoyed with shelves, cables, dust, feeling silly on Saturday looking at it, and so on.

So these days I have a strict 2-box rule (TT excluded - fair, right?) per setup. Very happy with it. No FOMO whatsoever, able to optimise it better, enjoying music as much as with anything.

Some evenings I may ask myself- is 3 boxes too many? And then I remember that this is why I have 2 boxes! All good.


Equally it is the case that something like a Uniti with a pair of speakers is three boxes… The only true one-box systems are products like Qube and Muso, and I suspect that the only multi-box systems they beat for sound quality are very lo-fi.

Not having heard and one-box plus speakers (active or passive) I can’t comment on sound quality, and my primary thoughts for the OP have been covered by others discussing relative cost etc.

Avoidable by putting into a cupboard!

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I did try the Nova HH but sadly couldn’t handle it , just didn’t do it for me

Can live with the NDX2/SN3 though

Like you I have been to the heights of the 500 series but no interest in that anymore

As you say each to their own, we all find our happy level


Of course, I also believe that separates can ultimately deliver a better result than an ‘all-in-one’. I just think we audiophiles are kind of a dying breed; just looking at the younger generations; they choose convenience and lifestyle over a rack fully stacked with black boxes and let alone all the cables that come with it; yes: they also want good sound, but if that is possible via an all-in-one, that is fine with them, at least that’s my 2cents …


Can’t disagree with what you say Klout10

Not forgotten power supplies for TT’s, I have just excluded it as no matter which direction I go it will be there, just focusing on the main units, sources and amplification.

Thanks for the feedback

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Hifi in the form of “separates” and decent speakers, with high expenditure and upgrading etc., has always been a minority interest - just look at the popularity of “music systems” in the 1980s - they were one box systems, just styled to look like a (small) stack, with small and very basic speakers, all very cheap. Those were the lifestyle products of their time, not hifi…


In reality I just want to know if that one box setup will give me the SQ I want without me thinking what if I added or upgraded ……

I suppose staying off forums like this once I’ve made my decision might help as well. :grinning:



For me, the answer to that is a resounding NO! I have an Atom and a QB in addition to my main system, in the past I replaced my main system with a Superuniti, and I tried a Nova for a while. They are all great products if you want a simple system, but none of them draw me closer to the music in the way that a Naim Classic level separates system does.
Other brands may offer a higher level of sound quality with fewer boxes, and moving to Linn, Chord or others might work as an alternative to Naim if you want simplicity.


hi klout10 - yes pmc twenty5 26i so 5 boxes compared to my 1 box muso

I was responding to the OP who quite explicitly said they were looking at

The other posts on the thread also interpret “one box” as excluding speakers as far as I can see.

If having a less cluttered looking living room with high SQ is considered a desirable end, I think active speakers are well worth thinking about.



Like several longtime users here I also suffered from multiple black box fatigue after almost 25 years of Naim ownership - the past 15 years with a 552/500 system.

I recently moved to DarTZeel separates - however - my DarTZeel demo was with their single box super integrated 8550.

The demo of this single box made my decision to move on from my 552/500 rather easy.

Of course your mileage may vary

PS - on the flip side I put in a Atom + ProAc Tablette 10 Signature in a new second home - brilliant single box system


This is a Naim forum and I do think that it would be rude to elaborate too much . I will say this and nothing more: If you were to go to a Linn forum (as I used to, years ago) you would hear the voices of Naim detractors. Most people here are too broad minded to think in these terms.
The truth is out there :slight_smile:

Love this post, very recognisable :slight_smile: