Can a one box set-up compete with a multi box system

You’ve seen my posts about going from a ten box system to a one box system.

And yes, it’s works. I think my system sounds better than it did previously.

There are lots of posts on here about forum members who have done so, whether Naim Nova (@HungryHalibut) or Linn Selekt (like me).

Some people will say no and some people will say yes, as we all hear differently.

All I can suggest is going to a Linn / Naim dealer and try the one box systems for yourself, that’s really the only way you can tell.

We used Cymbiosis and had great fun over the visits to them to make the change.



They very much are and until your post not something I had thought about.

Now I have another avenue to explore. Thanks :roll_eyes:

The older you get, the more hearing declines. Some on this forum may now be happy with a single box solution that, perhaps a few years ago, would have been firmly rejected.

It’s not just electronics or room interaction!


Peter is a bit far away from me for visits but I have a Naim/Linn dealer not too far away and we have had an introductory chat and listen.

Very conscious of what you have achieved and to be honest you were probably the catalyst for getting me to look at the Linn systems.

Anyway, it looks as though a few more visits to hear a few different options is required.


Same here! :smiley:


Of course a one box system can compete with a multi box system……

Whether it wins or not is another matter entirely, primarily down to the listener’s preference.

ATB, J :grinning:


I hope I haven’t answered this already, but the answers are yes and no.

A Nova will easily compete with a Nait XS 3 and a ND5XS2 in the sense that there is only one box, slightly more power and a snazzy screen.

Once you start moving into the more expensive areas , two cliches apply, you get what you pay for , but there is also a law of diminishing returns.

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How about a no box system?! I’m thinking of Dynaudio Focus loudspeakers, which take the active idea a step further by including a full digital source as well as amplification. They do a standmount and two floorstanding models.

I heard the smaller floorstanding version a few years ago, and it sounded great. Certainly better than any speaker I’ve heard driven by a Uniti.


I know! I was just picking up on your point about box count with active speakers because the same thought had already occurred to me - I wasn’t being critical, it was just a muse tgat I thought was mildly amusing!

Enjoy your auditions.


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It simply depends on where you draw the line on SQ vs Budget, well it will be for me.

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I think it all depends on the One Box

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I love the monolithic appearance of Naim boxes.

The single-minded visual design signals the company’s single-minded focus on sound quality.

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@JimDog i see an EE8 in your system. What is that?

It’s a switch made by The Chord Cable company.

They are quite popular with people who have Naim systems.

Exactly. My 6 Naim boxes are out of sight in a cupboard in another room. When I listen to music, I only see 2 boxes - the speakers!


Sure. I have 2 box shoebox systems in two rooms arranged in the way the room demands, and another room with two racks of gear supporting 12 boxes, 8 of which are Naim, and that particular room not only can accommodate that, the feel of the room sort of demands it. That system in the other rooms, even the big room, just would’t work visually.


Sounds good.

Have you posted pictures of any of these rooms/systems on the forum?

Not the big Naim system. That room is in a state of upheaval. But the two box TEAC shoebox system in the kitchen, two box Luxman (plus a turntable) shoebox in the office, and one box UQ2 desktop are all in the system pics thread. Kitchen system might be in the 2023 thread.


A great way to have a minimalist setup, love it. :smile:

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