Can a one box set-up compete with a multi box system

Indeed! I would never consider this many boxes ( 6 x Naim plus Oppo 105 plus SKY Q mini plus Puritan PSM156 so sort of 9 boxes all together!) if they were on display. I can’t think of anything worse than staring at such a vulgar display :grinning:

Maybe rich Chinese are the only people that are attracted by multi boxes system ?

Image from Part time audiophile. 4k billions.


Wow are you kidding me !!!:open_mouth:


I recently came back to a Naim item, the Uniti Atom HE for the office, a decade after letting a six box DAC/252/300 system go for a Devialet250.

The two box 222/250 might tempt me back… I also have a Vertere TT and a rack.


I have had an original Nait 1 for 30+ years - listening to CDs on a budget Sony CD player and vinyl on a Rega Planar 1 through Tannoy 12 inch Super Reds in large Lockwood boxes.
It was a set up that brought me much pleasure throughout the years, but one that I always knew needed upgrading (and would no doubt be the subject of much lighthearted derision and banter to most people in this community in that uniquely British way - which I accept)
I finally got round to buying a UnitiStar and I have to say that I have not regretted it for an instant.
For me, it is a significant upgrade and if this is what Naim are doing with their one box solutions then I’m all for it.


Looks more like a nautical signaling device.

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How is the Thrax sounding - are you still happy?

Very happy. I find I am using the built in Dac more than the nyquist as it is so convenient and sounds great. The whole system is very even across the frequency range with nothing standing out too much. No annoyingly harsh top end or over done drums etc. I prefer it to my 252 or the 272 I had before that ( both through arc 40a) so not really a like for like comparison.


Excellent - good to hear. I find myself looking at integrateds more and more at the moment. Hopefully Supernait replacement will arrive at some point soon, then it will be time for some auditions.

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I’ve had the multi box setups and can now say I enjoy my simplified system much more. :+1:t2:


One day when I get over with multi boxes , this is my 1st 1 box choice :wink:


Pic from gryphon

Phwooar… :rofl:


Pic from stereonet

All in one Rossini apex player . Interesting


And the built in digital volume control is one of the best in the industry. I have several former Naim friends who have eschewed use of a preamp and gone dCS directly into an amplifier.

Back when I had my 500 system I experimented running my Rossini APEX directly into my 500. Damn impressive!


Am I alone in not really caring how many boxes, one or multiple, as long as it sounds good, and doesn’t cost more? On the practical side, one box is simpler, possibly very much so, against which with one box the entire system is vulnerable to any failure and upgrading is all or nothing.

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@glevethan hi . Yes indeed … I have a bartok apex and an esoteric to my 332 and 350s , then along came this new product - rosinni all in one player , wow very interesting , suits me as I do both streaming and cds . Will be a good upgrade .

No, that’s the nice thing about this hobby.

You can have as many or as little boxes as you want to enjoy the music and Hi-Fi.

Just keep playing and enjoy the music.



Well put !!!:muscle:t2:

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