Can you feel the music? What albums make your toes tap?


Replicate or reproduce?

Sounds like Nirvana to me! Or the Holy Grail, but yes, spot on!

At the moment it’s Chet Baker right at the end of he’s career - Memories an LP recorded live in Tokyo in 1987 the year before he died doesn’t so much get me foot tapping but connects with me emotionally, It’s a sad fact that in the years before his death Chet made some exceptional music the best of his career IMO; it always amazes me that at that time you could see Chet playing in a club to perhaps 100 people and the night before he died he played in Rotterdam or another small venue in Holland to about 25 people.

Grant Green- For the Funk of It.

Currently this is Anne Dudley Plays Art of Noise. Very beautiful music from Art of Noise interpreted in its way.

Unfortunately, the press quality is not very good. To get a decent copy, I sent the record back 5 times.

However, the recording itself is very good.

Glad you sorted that Hermann. What a brilliant combo. I shall have to reach for my old AoN albums: always a cut above.

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Elvis Costello - “She’s filing her nails while they’re dragging the lake”

Best of Art of Noise; revisited for what must be the first time in 10 earth years. A simple China Records pressing and boy does it sound good: FFR (full frequency range as Decca used to have it). My son is now a convert :innocent:

@Loki, know that record very well. Thanks for remind me. I have it only on CD. Will search for vinyl …

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