Cancelling Subscription Services

I believe I posed the question to IB but I could be wrong.
So you haven’t seen any polyamory output from the Beeb?

Agreed their dramas are generally good and my missus likes EastEnders :grinning:

It’s the overpaid winkers that I object to paying for. :angry::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

HH, let’s put it in a different way. I’ve a small family, wife, myself and some children. We both have jobs and it is quite difficult to balance everything with regards to time and money. We manage well, but not everybody does. Far from really.

I’d like to see a series about parents raising kids and both having full time jobs and how to manage all that instead of reading about someone dedicating life to climbing skyscrapers, colonial history, the raise of Asia (and how wrong we were) or indeed polyamory.

Well, perhaps you should be lobbying the Dutch broadcasters rather than taking a pop at the BBC, which you don’t pay for anyway.

There is far worse out there: we have to pay for our water while the bosses get bonuses while chucking crap in the rivers and the sea. A few well paid presenters on the BBC pales into insignificance against that.


It’s the very same discussion here.

Not to forget that the licence funds radio not just tv.


No, not offhand. As I indicated, it is a general impression I have of TV in general not just the beeb.

I’m not sure if it’s available there but here in Oz we use a nav app called Waze and it’s brilliant. We’ve used it numerous times in the US as well. It’s free and it’s it’s user interactive for updating things like hazards and speed traps etc.

There are a couple of subscription services that I would never give up:

  1. The Economist + Print
  2. WSJ
  3. Amazon Prime
  4. Apple One
  5. National Geography + Print
  6. Qobuz

My strong preferences in the order that I list, Qobuz may go if Spotify goes lossless.

I’ve realised I dislike subscriptions. The only ones I currently use, are for my phone, which most people wouldn’t count anyway, and Qobuz. I specifically chose Qobuz recently due to the High Resolution they offer, which felt like a good change with the WiiM Pro I just got, into a Naim DAC. Bonus is that they pay out more per stream than Spotify and, as far as I know, their CEO isn’t a total douchecanoe.

Subscriptions fully leave the power in those that offer the subscription. They can add it take as they please and you can like it, or leave. Physical things are yours to own, which is preferable to me in this day and age if data storage that isn’t free. People say that digital doesn’t take up space have obviously never seen a data center :wink: . Nor is it cheap to run these in terms of electricity and cooling.

Qobuz is the subscription I don’t really mind as much. I use it when on the move and at work. It’s fun to discover new things and, if I enjoy it, will also try and buy a physical copy, which might be in inferior quantity even! It does provide for the artist though, so bonus there.

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There are a couple of subscription services that I would never give up:

  1. The Economist + Print
  2. WSJ
  3. Amazon Prime
  4. Apple One
  5. National Geography + Print
  6. Japan Times
  7. Qobuz

My strong preferences in the order that I list, Qobuz may go if Spotify goes lossless.

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Maybe the BBC and water companies should have an ‘honesty box’ (not seen very often these days) arrangement? :thinking:

The last time I saw one of these was at Jervaulx Abbey in North Yorks.

Speaking of something else… What do you think about postnl, Ardbeg? Are they reliable or are there frequent delays or other problems?

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I’ve been lucky and never had issues. I find their prices too high these days though.

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Ok Just wondering :+1: Ordered an lp on Discogs which was in Berlin and it was sent by postnl and from the promised 5 days it has now taken 14 but now it has in any case arrived in Sweden so hopefully I will receive it this week.

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I don’t know if I am unusual, but if I want reporting I can trust, I always turn to the BBC - TV, 5 Live or the web. I find myself watching their drama series more often than other platforms and much prefer their sports coverage to other channels.

I don’t therefore begrudge the Licene Fee at all - they are the ‘Public Broadcaster’ and we should expect to pay for this service. If we didn’t, it would just come from a different tax. At least this is identifiable.

I haven’t watched TV outside the UK, but I have heard many that have done so, comment that the BBC is excellent. I think it is a case of be careful what you wish for in terms of national broadcasting.


Commiserations, I have not heard that before, turning off comforts in the car. Apart from it not being sustainable, it is crazy, would put me off for life buying a brand like that.
Stopped going to the Ford garage for services, others can do the same for far less money. Don’t need the free road side assistance, nothing ever breaks down as it is well maintained and dont need a full Ford service history, drive my cars into the ground :wink:

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This advertising palaver works the wrong way for me. Instead of paying more I just stop watching it and do something else, like watching iplayer, listening to radio, or one of the 1257 CDs, 25 blu ray concerts, blackadder, father ted or simpsons box sets, drink alcohol, or just go to bed :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Roadhouse blues. Morrison Hotel 1970
Great album