Cancelling Subscription Services

Oh goody, let’s all have a go at the BBC. Channel the standard populist tropes.


you think it’s so good it justifies a forced subscription for the privilege of just having a device that can receive BBC content?


It’s not just entertainment, it’s an important facility in times of war, public unrest or to convey modern ideas of polyamory.


That’s rubbish! To take just one example, the three series of Sally Wainwright’s Happy Valley were broadcast starting in 2014 and finishing in 2023, so fully in the last two decades. Catherine Cawood, brilliantly played by Sarah Lancashire, is a wonderfully characterised and fully rounded human being and Wainwright’s dialogue is outstandingly natural and believable. The emotional punch of very final episode, broadcast last year, was one of the finest hours of tv I have ever watched and remains long in the memory.



I do actually.


It’s not a forced subscription, as if you don’t want it you don’t have to pay for it. I think it’s good value and am more than happy to pay. As you haven’t lived in the U.K. for a good while you won’t have seen what’s on, and you don’t exactly have skin in the game. So why moan about something that doesn’t remotely affect you?

I never, never watch GL, can I have a refund?
Seriously if no one watched GL, he wouldn’t be on the screen.
Abroad the beeb website carries ads; why does the website exist as a free to use, in uk, when it wasn’t ever a service which the license fee was designed to cover? Sub model ideal.
Realistically, it is great value for money; those who pontificate about the cost - propose a very real and totally widely acceptable alternate, else…well…there really isn’t a simple solution - ditching a public service broadcaster is not a viable option.
Indeed much of the previous excellent work by the wws amongst others, has been undone by a lack of support to realistically paying for these services.
IIUC beeb ww is seen as one of the best broadcasters - here it is seen as a punchbag.
An acceptable solution is needed, granted, a cosh is definitely not an option !!

I did notice, when I cancelled my Amazon Prime and was buying stuff as a non-Primer the free delivery would say between 2 and 4 days, however, mostly everything would be delivered between 1 and 2 days.

I am a bit lost with the belief that the BBC has a sanctioned line on polyamory. Tell me more.

I don’t know that it is confined to BBC, but TV programming generally seems to be such that a being outside our society may well think that monogamy is unusual among humans.


“For the facts of life are not man and wife
But Man and Woman sadly”

Billy Bragg - The Myth of Trust

Have you any examples of polyamory BBC output?

Has anybody mentioned cancelling Room? Is that not a subscription service?


I can’t cancel as I declined to subscribe. I also declined to subscribe to Audirvana, so my version of if hasn’t changed since they went over to that model (which is fine, as it was great at its job in before the change and I have no use for any changes or additions they might put out).

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We had Britbox and cancelled it after one year because no new shows were being added. ITV-X, much the same, cancelled it after six months when we had watched all we wanted to see.

Go to their site and type the word in the search filter. For me it’s just an example though. I’m not British, but we have public services in the Netherlands too and I don’t see myself nor my people from the same rural area reflected in the public news services.

What does ‘myself nor my people’ mean?


Simple families. I’m well aware of all sorts of directions people take in life, and that’s fine. Reading public news sources I get the impression that I’m in the minority.

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What does ‘simple families’ mean.


A thumbs up for amazon. :heart_eyes:

On two occasions I’ve cancelled Amazon Prime. On both occasions because I hadn’t used (watched) amazon prime since my last payment, Amazon refunded my last payment.

Given the bad press they get, it was unexpected. I’ve just cancelled Apple TV, I wonder if they’ll do the same.

The BBC and other public broadcasters get people from all ends of differing spectrums complaining about them or feeling they don’t represent their views or wishes for programming. That they do, suggests they are getting it right rather than wrong, after all, you can’t please everybody all the time. I often disagree with the BBC but I am happy with that as long as they try to keep making high-quality programming. The types of award-winning programmes that have been made for many decades, be it news coverage, drama, documentaries, comedy, or music etc. If it was up to me, they wouldn’t show any ball sports on the channels or the usual talent shows etc. But many enjoy them, so I choose to turn these off and turn the TV back on when they broadcast programmes I want to watch.