Cannot backup music files from Uniti Star SD card to NAS

I am trying to backup the music stored locally on Naim Uniti Star SD card to a wirelessly connected WS MyCloudEX2ultra NAS but cannot do it via the Naim app. The NAS is connected and I read files (play music) from it (that I manually copy/pasted into NAS folder)

but I cannot see the NAS or any backup option under Manage Music (“Musikspeicher verwalten”)
. I also cannot create a Music Store (Musikspeicher) on the NAS.
While manual copying is manageable - any clue how to backup directly to NAS via Naim app?

I believe that you cannot do this directly with the Star (unlike Core). You have to backup manually with a PC I think.



Thanks David, this may indeed be a difference between the Core and the Uniti. Was trying direct ethernet connection vs WIFI but see no difference. What mainly nags me is that I cannot see the album art in the app view

However, the album cover does show on the Uniti screen when playing - puzzling :thinking:

You shouldn’t be trying to create a music store on the NAS because music store has a particular meaning in Naim-land and is the place where the product saves it’s own rips. You can only have one active music store and the other locations are either music shares or backups. But I don’t think the Star allows any of that, but perhaps someone who owns a Star could confirm.



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