Carts/tonearms with LP12/NA322 boards

Try not to hijack the chrome bumper thread and so start as a new topic here.

As many know the 470pF of NA322 boards is quite a issue as it makes most modern carts sound bright and thin.

I know everything could be solved by using external phono preamp or 3rd parties boards, or simply switch to MC like Linn persuaded to do. But I love the sound of MM carts and vintage Naim. NA322 boards are really with the synergy as a whole system, it’s also what the CB good at.

At the moment my very mainstream pick is a Shure V15 Type III with 400pF-500pF, it sounds right even with my current medium-mass Basik LV-V. I got a Grace G-707 and to be installed soon, I expect the performance/dynamic will boost further.

Other vintage carts like A&R P77, Ortofon M20E, Shure M95ED are all good candidates, but all high compliance that’s not matching famous tonearm like Ittok.

My question is, do you know any golden carts+tonearm set up – from your experience or from past history that’s good for LP12+NA322?

Thanks in advanced!

Early Shure cartridges were fine with the higher capacitance phono cables/phono inputs (up to, and including, the V15/III). Indeed, SME made phono adapters to increase the capacitance of their 3009/S2 arm cables to eliminate the midrange droop that was common with the Shures. The V15/III was relatively insensitive to input capacitance and did not need these adaptes for a flat response. Later Shure cartridges (my direct experience was with a M97xE) and current ATs appear much more sensitive to input capacitance.

I wouldn’t worry too much about the mass of the Ittok - I’ve used (and currently use) medium high compliance cartridges with my Ekos.


Cheers @sktn77a ! Thanks a lot for the recommendations. Yes SME 3009/S2 would be a natural match for V15/III. I played around with the V15/III for a week and got nice result along with my current Basik LVV, but the medium-light mass tonearm isn’t perfect for V15/III, so sometimes it sounds really great but sometimes not.

My new founding as newbie (that you may had already known!): Few days ago I managed to acquire a Linn K9. By specs it shouldn’t go well with the NA322 boards. But for god sake it’s natural match for a vintage Linn/Naim system. It sounds good even with my rather clean-sounding Cirkus LP12. Within few hours it was really opened up and sound very nice.

I’m preparing budget for Ittok+Linn’s k cartridge then everything should be fine. Thanks again!


I’ve run a Goldring 1042 and a London Decca Maroon into my Stageline N, which has the same loading.

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My last LP12 (1986 spec with Ittok) bought secondhand, arrived fitted with an A&R P77. Sounded good into my Stageline N and NAIT 5 with FC2 and IBLs.

Supex MCs were prevalent in the factory at the time of the IBL/ SBL development. So it seems easy to see why Supex-derived MMs such as the A&R P77 and Rega R100 could sound so good, and no doubt the Supex SM100 too.

But I can see you have gone for the Linn K9. A nice cartridge too, albeit faster and more neutral than any of the above. I had one on my Rega Planar 3 in the the late eighties and then on my first Linn.

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Glad you like the K9.

A £30 VM95E stylus will remove any concern over running a worn K9 stylus with aging suspension, plus it will add clarity with a more refined top end, but all at the expense of some weight to the sound and some musical involvement. It is still enjoyable though and you may prefer it. Bear in mind you need to allow 20+ hours for it to run in.

I forgot to mention on the CB thread that I’ve also had some Goldring rebuilt Linn MCs. David Giffin still works there - he used to do Troika rebuilds for Linn before they concluded that new (replacement) carts were better than rebuilds. I tried the Karma MC on the Valhalla/Ittok deck and just couldn’t get on with it - too laid back so similar to the Adikt in that respect.

I also had a Troika rebuild but only used it on the Ekos/Lingo deck where it matched really well with vintage Linn/Naim gear. I suspect it would fair better on the Ittok than the Karma but only a guess. To my ears, an Adikt was more engaging but the Troika rebuild was still good fun with an upfront snappy presentation - similar to K9/VM95.

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Christopher, thanks a lot for the insights! Now it becomes more and more interesting when knowing more of the historical background behind the Linn/Naim vintage system.

Listened to some demo on Youtube think I’m really into Supex made Linn MC cartridge sound along with pre Cirkus LP12+Ittok. I like Karma the best, then Asaka, Troika maybe too refined for my taste. Will definitely look into Supex SMM as well.

I’m big fan of Supex’s brother company Grace, got their tonearms as well as cartridges. To my surprise except G-707 tonearm Grace doesn’t really work with Linn.

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Cheers Murmur! As said before bright carts like AT aren’t my cuppa tea (never had any before), and so I didn’t have any expectations to AT/K9. But to my surprise it doesn’t sound bright with NA322 boards at all, it sounds warm and dynamic in the system. The synergy thing seems working here.

The system sounds even better to my ears after
switched from A5 to K20 speaker cables. The cable seems balanced out the leaner sound of K9. By picking everything from the same period seems working best!

From Youtube I quite like the fat bass of pre-Cirkus+Karma, and the very relaxed presentation, that’s the analogue sound I wish to have at the moment. By going pre-Cirkus+Linn MC+Ittok the system sounds most balanced as you said before.

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Maybe start looking for some serviced 323/5 cards then. Not easy to find, but perhaps you’ve already been lucky again.

I remember a bit more about the Karma now. I did like the warmth - I don’t think it was too much. It was the bass, it was a bit sluggish and out of time with the rest. Hopefully it wasn’t representative.

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There is a pair of 323/5 boards just popped up on an auction site,


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