CD and the future

My idea of streaming is listening to a few of my favourite DJ slots on BBC 6 music, Shazaming any songs/artists that get my attention, then buying the CD of that artist (or vinyl if I’m feeling rich). I’m hanging on to physical media for as long as possible.


Exactly that IB. I have a Spotify premium acct but I only use it for checking new tunes out.

I’ve never bought digitial content when it comes to music. Don’t see the point. Amazon autorip most CDs for you and the cost of digital only isn’t that much different from buying the CD anyway (which you can rip yourself at a higher resolution). Safe in the knowledge that your music is safe unless your house burns down and takes your CD’s and hi-fi with it.

And that identifies another advantage of your own music store on hard dusk, SSD etc, compared to a CD collection: You can make a complete duplicate collection that you could keep in another location, and so recover your entire collection almist instantly in the event of a disaster like fire or theft. A collection of a few dozen current CDs may be easy to replace, but not quite so easy if 1000 or more, maybe including disks no longer available etc. And if you do that it is one less thing to have to have covered by insurance - after all a collection of CDs probably has a replacement value of the order of £20k per 1000.

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