CD Players

I had my cds3 serviced at naim and new vam 1202 a couple of months ago and it sounds fantastic.


I had my CDX2 serviced, and changed to digital output only, (I have a Nova) and it’s a super combo .

If I hadn’t been able to get the CD player serviced , it would be the Audiolab

I use my Nova for internet radio and podcasts from Radio 3 , I won’t use streaming service - HiFi Choice has a wonderful article on how artists are paid. It seems very unfair .

Yes agree a bit of a weird comment , maybe it’s backed up by fact :flushed: so maybe @ryder can inform us all ?

I guess that Naim’s decision on whether to develop new or updated CD players was based on or included their assessment of the market for a product of the quality that fits with their ‘separates’ products, which in turn would likely have been informed by sales of their CDP and streamer products, and the development costs and anticipated profitability inevitably would have be factors in that decision.

An alternative route they could have taken, that in my own view would have been better, is to develop CD and streaming ‘transports’ with separate DACs, enabling cheaper ownership for anyone wanting both CD streaming, sharing a DAC, also providing a cheaper and more flexible upgrade path with a choice of different levels of DAC.


I guess one factor was the demise of the Phillips mechanism leaving them to either source another high end mechanism or design their own. They obviously decided not to bother which is a shame.


Or there is this type of product , built mainly I think for the Japanese market

A streamer, and CD player built into one . Coupled with a SN3 it would cut the box count yet still produce a reasonable sound.


Biggest regret of my 40 year Naim journey was parting ways with my fabulous CD555

What a foolish move that was

Still, it went to a great home, so happy that it’s safe and being appreciated


I would love to own a cd555 maybe someday…

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I had the CDS3 before the CD555 and it’s a beauty

My dealer currently trying to source a CDS3 for me, hopefully it comes off, just have to be patient

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What do you think of the cd555 vs cds3

Well the CD555 is definitely better and from memory by quite a margin but it was in the context of the full 500 series system, so to bring the best out of it need the 552 and the 500 although 300 amp probably fine

But I always look back on my days with the CDS3 with great joy , it’s a spectacular player also as I think most people that have or had one would agree

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Ok thanks hope you find your cds3.

Be interesting to know how many CDS3’s and CD555’s were manufactured

Perhaps @Richard.Dane might know ?


I don’t have those figures Bevo. One for Naim I think.

I have a cd555 and, malfunctions aside, it’s going nowhere! A cds3 preceded it and I would be happy with either - they are both great sounding players. The 555 is more a tour de force in sheer engineering excess and weighs a ton!


Well what a goose I was departing with the CD555 northpole , that’s all I can say !

Yes agree, the CDS3 is fantastic

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The French Metronome audio makes still high end cd players but they mostly sell to the Japanese market.
Personally i am glad today to not have bought the Cd555. Most of my music is bought on Bandcamp and generally I buy only 2 or 3 tracks per album. I costs much less than buying the cd. And a lot of these albums are not available on cd.

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Speaking personally I’m closely following this thread as my CD player is from the mid 90s and I’m thinking about ‘plan B’ in case one day it cannot be repaired. With a large-ish CD collection the idea of a classic-sized box replacement CD that can accommodate an external power supply would be preferable, especially given that my internet connection is not stable.

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But it’s always possible to burn those tracks to an audio CD. A little extra faff, perhaps, but it does mean that option is still available to those without streamers.


Truly bizarre comment!