CD Players

I always found it rather thrilling when I loaded a CD into my CDS II, and the ‘hdcd’ logo appeared in red letters on the display. Sadly, mot many CDs were HDCD-enabled - it was obviously not something that caught on, but I don’t know why not.

I would still find it thrilling today, I suppose, to see the ‘hdcd’ display light up, if the CDP were working!


This happened to me for the first time a few weeks ago, and I was suitably impressed, I wasn’t aware of the function until I loaded a recently purchased disc…

Yes, as I say, I was thrilled when it happened.

Were you playing a newly acquired CD? I ask because I thought that Pacific Microsonics (who I think were the company which licensed the technology) had gone bust.

I seem to remember someone from Naim saying years ago that the Pacific Microsonics (or whichever company was responsible) chip was used because of its outstanding technical performance and that its HDCD decoding function was a (happy) accident. It was not, as far as I recall, something about the CDS II player that Naim advertised or made much of. (But my memory may be faulty here, in which case, I will no doubt be corrected.)

Pacific Microsonics was bought by Microsoft. One of the co-founders of PM went on to found Berkeley Audio Design.

Thank you, Richard, so probably not ‘gone bust’, just ‘gone’.

Microsoft seem to have an unfortunate history of buying technology companies which they think may challenge their status, then killing off the technology once they’ve acquired it. That’s why monopolies are bad for technological progress.

HDCD, somewhat like Betamax, was a good idea which suffered from a number of unfortunate factors which hindered its uptake. One of these was the way HDCD discs were not always labelled as such and, even when they were, the HDCD encoding wasn’t always done correctly. There were many discs that lit up the HDCD light on players but on which no HDCD features had actually been used! This wiki is far from exhaustive but shows the rather confused state of affairs:

List of HDCD-encoded Compact Discs - Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase

There was at least one HDCD sampler disc that offered the same tracks with and without HDCD encoding so you could hear the difference - if I see one at a reasonable price, I would be interested to try it:


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Thank you, Mark. There are some spectacular discs in that list, as well as quite a few candidates for a turkey shoot.

I might see if I can acquire a couple of Doors and Neil Young HDCD releases. I have lots (most?) of these as ‘standard’ CDs, so any comparison would be fascinating.

But I need to get my lovely old CDS II fixed first, otherwise there’s no point in buying CDs at all, HDCD-encoded or not.

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This lit up as HDCD , my lastCD purchase . Hope you can get your CD player serviced soonest

best wishes



I have a CD5Si also and, like another respondent stated, I will be living with this player for many years to come.

Love the swing-out drawer mechanism and it fits perfectly in our rack.



Thank you, Ian. I hope that it CAN be serviced/repaired. The answer to that is not very clear to me at the moment.

Mind you, playing only LPs in the last few weeks has been no great hardship.


I’m sure your dealer (Audio T?) can help, I had mine serviced by Naim - at th start of last year and it was like getting back a new machine

best wishes - and very glad that you and your LP12are now reconnected


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Since getting the ndx2 I have been streaming about 95% of the time either with my two subscriptions (qobuz and Apple) or my ripped cds through the Core.
I don’t play vinyl anymore so my next upgrade will definitely be a cd player but it’s becoming more and more difficult to justify. Common sense in short supply when buying hi fi though. :woozy_face:


Thanks, Ian. Yes, I need to chase up Audio T, to find out if my NAT-01 is back from Salisbury, and to ask if Naim can fix the CDS II - I hardly dare ask about the CDP, for fear of getting the ‘wrong’ answer!


I think you may get a better answer now than a few years ago , when the Pandemic was affecting all aspects of manufacturing .

best wishes


The problem was that Naim’s Service Dept could not lay their hands on the (Philips-made) transport mechanism used in the CDS II, on which production had been stopped years previously. I know that Naim were searching worldwide, but I never head whether they had found fresh supplies anywhere.

I should stir up courage and ask, I know!

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I think they did find extra supplies, not sure for what models though, perhaps @NeilS can advise the latest?

I think Gazza is right.

This is the current situation to the best of my knowledge:

VAM1205 -

All good.

VAM1202 -
CD5x & xs

Currently having supply issues.

Also note that if/when we source these, we are still unable to offer VAM1250 to VAM1202 updates, due to stocks of the required PCBs now exhausted. This applies to CDX-2 & CDS3.


Please be mindful that this info may no longer be relevant if quoting this post in the future!


Thank you, Neil. So that means, I think, that I need to be asking my dealer to get my CDS II to Salisbury as soon as poss to have a new mech fitted while they’re still available?


Absolutely Graham!
