CD Players

Sure do :+1:

Naim have always tried very hard to do just that, even long after parts have been discontinued.


It would be a great idea if Naim could figure out a retrofit option to add digital input to all their old CD players. Just because the mechs die, the whole unit shouldn’t be considered toast.

Might be worth whispering in their ear.

Totally agree Richard, it’s truely amazing that most of their CDP’s can still be serviced let alone even the older gear such as Nait 2 and the like

Quite outstanding


All three have passed away …

I started a thread on this sort of thing, that I kinda regret in hindsight, but have a similar view on buying secondhand media of artists who aren’t releasing anymore (whatever their “excuse” - what do you mean it’s ok because I’m dead!?) Supporting second hand music stores is also not a terrible thing to do?

Francophone means that the country speaks French language.
I would more say here “ french touch “ music.

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Graham your bang on Pal.Ive got that CD player and i Absolutely love it.Peaple seem obsessed by streaming I still love my CD collection and i agree. So come on Naim put some money into bringing a new CD player out. Your quite happy taking our hard earned cash for other things


Yes…Im aware of that.

I posted about this in relation to the CD555 some time ago…

I can’t imagine any company is investing in developing new high-end CD players, the format is a dead end. The Uniti Core I think is their CD solution. It does sound great from its digital out, better than playing a CD live is ever going to sound so what use is buying a CD player that is many times more expensive. I ripped all my old CDs and got rid of all of them, I don’t think CD’s have any value proposition anymore, it’s kinda like supporting 8 track.

I couldn’t disagree more.

But so be it.



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Recently Gryphon and Metronome audio produced new cd players. Gryphon for instance doesn’t have a streamer on its catalog, only a cd player.
MBL , Accuphase, Burmester, DCS still do cd transports.
Not mentioning all the budget CD players from Project, Audiolab, Cambridge….
Jay Audio is specialised in only CD players and dacs.


I agree- I think Naim should have continued making the incredible CDS3. Fortunately one can find the best Naim CD players for sale used.

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Audio Note has an extensive comment on CDs on their webpage, and quite a few other venerable high end audio companies would also take umbrage with your opinion re CD.


You obviously don’t read hi fi mags or bother to visits hi fi shops.


Oh dear, there’s a troll on the loose. And it’s gone wholly digital, making lots of anti-analogue moises.

Luxman make this beauty, the D10X CD/SACD player.

And according to Steve G, it’s sensational (I heard one, briefly, and it was stunning-sounding):


It’s an impressive player and if it wasn’t so expensive I’d consider adding to my rack.