CD Players

I too have quite a lot of Hyperion cd’s. The quality is universally excellent and the inability to stream would be very off putting if I was considering a move away from my cd system which plays all my cd’s!!!

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You are right, I just didn’t understood first the sentence.

I wonder if that could be achieved by removing the power amp section of one of the all-in-one players?

You can, however, do what many others do and rip your CDs, and buy new music by download (Hyperion do offer both downloads of 16/44.1 CD quality and a higher res 20/44.1 on at least some albums), or buy CDs as now and rip immediately. It is only online streaming that Hyperion apparently doesn’t support - and as various posts have already identified, online streaming has limitations that are simply not a factor with streaming from one’s own store.

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I do feel that combining a cd/sacd/streaming player into one unit is not the worst idea. I may give one of these a try…


…and when people buy used CD’s and Vinyl how much money do the artists get paid. A lot of folks have ripped their CD’s to a NAS server then sold their CD’s. I stream many artist’s albums on Qobuz when I have a copy of their music stashed in a box in my closet and on my NAS.

Have not checked in awhile but Qobuz did have the highest payout to artists.

The music, publishing and photography/film industries continues to change and computerized music, print and images have had a negative impact on copywriter material for artists/performers in many sectors.


I mainly avoid buying used CDs :cd: for that reason , if it is an artist like Sinatra , Cassidy, Cohen etc I am slightly more relaxed , but generally I like to buy new

The Naim range has been massively culled in the past decade down to just a minimal offering of amps and streamers. The Uniti range existed long before the cull so really we’ve just seen a reduction in offerings. That’s a huge shame.

However, if I wanted a new Naim CD player, I’d simply buy a streamer and pair it with a decent transport. Hey presto, a Naim sounding CD player. Even if the streaming features aren’t used, bear in mind the streaming board is the least expensive part of the players, you’re basically buying a DAC. That’s not a strange use case either. Other makers who are selling CD players often now sell them with digital inputs to use as DACs. In fact, I use a Luxman CD player as a DAC. I’ve played 4 discs on it in 2 years but regard it as money well spent on a great sounding DAC.

In summary, the current state is a bit sad but get creative and you can still get where you want to go. Maybe even better since a streamer as DAC will probably outlast several transports.


I stream via Qobuz but find there’s a huge hole in their catalog especially for (our) local stuff, they seemed to have forgotten that not everyone’s from the UK or the USA.

I mainly play my ripped cds and I will probably continue to buy cds or hi res downloads.


Purchased the new Bill Callahan CD today, haven’t played it yet

You’ll love it, wonderful album and well recorded.

They’re a French outfit I think, and have introduced me to a few French, or French influenced (there’s a word I’m looking for at this point, francophone!?) artists. But I do understand that they might not have a fully international catalogue and does support the point that a diversity of music sources, media types and devices to play them on, is a nice thing to have :slight_smile:

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Think their SQ is excellent it’s just the missing local stuff that’s a little annoying. Tbh it’s no big deal as there’s generally other options.

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Normally buy a cd first and if I love it I’ll go for the vinyl

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I stream it, you should try it :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ha ha - buying CD serves two purposes - CDP in Balmain , then rip into Core down south

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…along with Enrique Iglesias and The Corrs, this is the charity shop staple is it not?

Funnily enough, I’d usually do it the other way round (ie LP first), but then perhaps not bother with the CD at all.

Isn’t it great to have the choice graham - I’ve got circa 1,000 CDs and circa 500 vinyls albeit starting to purchase older blues and jazz vinyls these days that I don’t necessarily have on CD

For me CDP not dead by a long shot


I agree, Bevo, we just need to persuade our lovely hosts at Naim to find a way of keeping their lovely CD players playing.