CD Players

Yes, the Japanese seem to have been far less enthusiastic adopters of streaming , and firms from Luxman to Denon have a wider range of CD players.

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I did my best during lockdown, buying dozens through the post and the prices were good.

If I was starting afresh (and thanks to burglaries -I did twice) that or the comparable Technics would be my first point of call. All the digital sources , plus SACD in one box.

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Sorry to hear about the burglaries


The second one was awful. They took out the window frame - making the flat uninhabitable - my late Mother was in intensive care at the time .

These days , I no longer live in Slough…

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Hope that where you are now is a bit more peaceful.


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It’s a small country village with 350 people spread over 6 or 7 square miles.


I’m a big fan of that Luxman model theKevster posted early, it really looks the business.


Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough
It isn’t fit for humans now

(In the immortal words of one of our late Poets Laureate.)

I used to go to Slough a lot to advise one of my law firm’s biggest clients, Mars Confectionery. at the big industrial estate.

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Did you know the big industrial estate was where they filmed Stingray, Fireball XL5 and Thunderbirds.

I don’t know why but clips of these regularly appear on my Facebook Page (and I am really glad they do)

best wishes

PS The Horlicks Factory has gone , replaced with flats

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Esoteric is kind of like the premium TEAC. Similar to how there is Panasonic and Technics.

While TEAC might make the stuff, the drives used by Esoteric are made purely for Esoteric.

Streaming got off to a rocky start. The media IP governing body JASRAC had (still has) very old laws in place that make it very hard.

Back in the early 2000s, it was illegal to stream live. As a result digital satelite of sport had to be at least 10 seconds behind terrestrial so as to be considered a rerun. Nonsense like that cased iTunes to be a decade late to the party here. It existed as siftware but no store. Local ripping only for years.

That’s all changed now but it’s certainly not as open. Qobuz etc just can’t get past JASRAC requirements to stream here. Ditto many others. Libraries are much smaller too.

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The Technics looks fine too, and probably a bit more accessible than the Luxman?


There is a thriving market for second hand CD’s too.
Especially in the Classical music world.
But it exists mainly on-line.

The thing is, millions of people over the last few years dumped their CD collections in favour of a hip new thing called vinyl and streaming/downloads.

The market is literally awash with second hand discs, which means they can be picked up for relatively peanuts. Only the limited edition MOFI’s etc. keep their price.

This thriving market may not be so lucrative for sellers (though I’m sure musicMagpie and Momox may disagree - good profits can be made on them) but it is heaven for us buyers/collectors.

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Sounds nice. It’s good living in the rural countryside.


I buy used CDs on a regular basis at local retailers. Very reasonable and vast inventory. I also purchase new CDs but less often. Glad to hear people are selling off their collections. I will continue buying them since my CDS3 is functional again. Streaming may have future allure but CDs, LPs and even 40 year old cassette tapes are in heavy rotation now.


Snap! I just cottoned on to the anniversary episodes because of YT and they are on the ITV player. I don’t think they are targeted at the younger audience but all the adverts were for kids toys. Some of which were tempting….


I’m having a fab time with CDs. I’m running a Rotel CD11 Tribute in my Naim system no external DAC. The sound quality is incredible considering the cost of the player. I must have struck lucky as there is great synergy, it’s incredibly detailed, dynamic and musical. I’m picking up great albums from 50p to £5.00 on the secondhand market and building up quite a collection. It’s great fun for pocket money. I’m not into streaming, I dabbled with it a bit when I had a Unitilite and found myself flicking from one album to the next not really properly listening to it. I also thought the sound quality was a bit lacking as I used it over wifi. I like having physical media even though it takes up a lot of space in my listening room, bonus is that it acts as room treatment making the room less lively.


i was in a cd player dilema into these 3 models
Denon DCD-1600NE plays also sacd like the estetics over the other 2 cd players.
Marantz ND-8006 dac streamer and cd player for a great quality price tag
Naim CD 5 SI woud match with my nait5si no streaming

these where my favorites i cheked out at shops also players from Rega,musical fidelity,Primare,Rotel.

at end i get the Marantz nd 8006 just short time before the model 60 came out and priced droped . the cd player is great for it price only minus point is sometimes a little confusing menu interface

for the usb streaming


I have demoed a music Hall excellent, a trigon good mids lousy on rock an cymbals and have purchased a Unison primo. waiting on delivery. Nad and Raga and rotel all rank well also


Sup up your beer and collect your fags
There’s a row going on down near Slough