CD Players

Its referencing a Little Britain character, a hypnotist.
It was an attempt at a cryptic way of getting the thread back to topic.
Obviously unsuccessful.


Thanks, I’ve never watched it.

CD players aren’t my favourite topic at the moment either, as I have a sick CDS II, which I can’t get to my dealer to get to Naim, etc, etc…

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I run a Cyrus XT Signature which is an absolutely fabulous transport…mix and match brands and get the best of all worlds. There’s a place for CD, vinyl and digital.


At last someone has the guts to say it, thank you.

Of course there’s a place for all - you just have to ask and each person, what is the place for each format? Playing daily, on the shelf never played, in the bin, etc… :grin:

fair comment - Naim have moved to streaming and obviously don’t see an economic demand for CD players which makes it a bit annoying for Naim converts not to retain choice. I love my streaming set up with an ND555 but at the same time I sometimes hanker for a CD sound.

Something to think about in all this : The old days meant the high end CD’s weren’t just transport …the Dac was important. These days the Dac sits with the streamer meaning the high end CD is really just a transport. Maybe just maybe, Naim coukld prouduce them at brilliant quality to match the streamers. Otherwise look elsewhere but focus on transport only.

Good luck


Hello Graham

Er, how close are you now to getting out , and listening to some music ?

best wishes


Reading the many and varied, interesting replies to the thread, the hard truth appears to boil down to the following options;

  1. Do nothing, stick with streaming, vinyl……whatever you do now.
  2. Within the ‘reasonable’ price range, a new cd/sacd player/transport from Naim/Rega/Cyrus/Audiolab/Marantz/Denon/……
  3. If money’s no object there are a number of very expensive esoteric players available; e.g. Musical Fidelity, DCS, etc.

I very much doubt Naim will ever produce another CD player or transport, high end or otherwise, therefore it’s probably time to ‘pays your money and makes your choice’ don’t you think?

Well , if you want a CD player that is……



Ah, but long time members will remember how they ditched the phono stage from the Naits and had to bring it back for the SN3 and XS3 - plus the very left field Solstice -years after they ditched the ARO and were seemingly moving away from vinyl.

I’m a card carrying Luddite in certain areas - all I would like Naim to do is adapt their basic CD player to have an optical out, so it can match up with DACS in their higher end products .


Or maybe do a Core variant that you could use as a transport for a streamer?
With the Star, you can use the CD drive to rip or play CDs so it is clearly possible to do if Naim would wish to. With the caveat, that maybe the SQ the way Naim achieves this is good enough for the Star but would not be considered good enough for a Core level box.

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The more I read this thread, the more I realise I don’t know what all the current products do, and how well they do it. For example, whether I could use a Core alongside (say) an NDX2 with external power. Does that combination allow me to use the digital in/out between these units and use the Core as essentially the CD player (having stored first rather than playing a CD live, I presume) making use of the rest of the NDX2 ?

I’m still thinking about plan B if my CD player ultimately succumbs.

You can use the Core either as a local hard disc player via s/pdif into either a DAC or a Network player, or else, if using the latter, then networked using the NDX2 to stream the Core’s content. You can also stream the Core’s content using any other networked Naim devices, such as a Uniti or Mu-So, that may be within the house. The Core won’t play a CD like a CD player. You need to rip the disc first (takes a few minutes usually) then it can play the rip from the internal drive.

In my own system, I use a Core in the main system as a local HDD player connected via coaxial DC1 s/pdif to my Naim DAC. Whereas it acts as a server for other streaming units in the house.


Thank you, Richard.

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I have no idea, Ian. I thought that I was going to be allowed out today, but the two Council people who came to see me were there, apparently, to assess me to prepare a report for some manager somewhere (whom I doubt if I will ever get meet).

Fun and games just over thirty minutes ago. Mad woman comes and slams my door (as is her usual custom), then goes off to hide in someone else’s room. I jump off the bed and chase out after her, taking my aluminium NHS walking stick, shouting at her to come out of the room. Staff come running, usher me back into my room, and say will call police. That might, paradoxically, be my best chance of getting out of this madhouse, although it would be a first for me (as a former City solicitor) to find myself being arrested, God knows what for. I may have to tell the whole sorry story to a judge later. You really couldn’t make it up!

Weather’s not up to much either.

Not good, surely in a nursing home, patients with mental health issues should be kept away from patients with physical health issues ?

I have offered on more than one occasion to tie the loonies (non-PC term to describe dementia patients, you understand, but I’m heartily sick at this point of being PC) to their beds, but this has been declined.

If they would let me go home, these problems would disappear on the spot. The staff tell me that these people go into all the rooms and not just mine. Implication appears to be that I shouldn’t object to loonies (who might have secreted a knife or goodness knows what else about their person) invading ‘my’ space.

As James T Kirk might say, it is a world, Spock, but not as we know it.

Anyway, that’s more than enough of this. (And on the wrong thread too.)

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threads wander (like some patients ) . It’s a shame you can’t get yourself a little Denon or Yamaha stereo or even an Atom Headphone

best wishes for a speedy exit


I can’t help thinking that having exposed the 555CDP through room treatment and feeding through an S1 Pre, I’ve come to the conclusion ‘ If it aint broke don’t fix it’. :partying_face: Enjoy whatever medium your music is on. ATB Peter


Unfortunate language,as someone who has been trying to cope with a mother who is suffering with Dementia,I find it quite offensive. It’s a terrible illness and requires a lot of patience/understanding,and let’s face it any one of us could some day be a victim of it. The people you are talking about are helpless and oblivious to their plight,I’d suggest you think carefully about labelling people as ‘loonies’ ,it’s not only ‘non pc’ ,it’s outright unacceptable.


Please take whatever offence to which you consider yourself entitled.

I suspect that, if you had people wandering into your supposedly private room (costing you £1,400 per week) three or four times a day for six weeks or more - with nothing done by nursing staff to prevent it - your sympathy might begin to wane.

It makes no difference, but my late father (a doctor) suffered a massive stroke, then had dementia symptoms for the last six years of his life, until his poor body gave up. So I suspect that I have a clearer idea than most of what a vile condition it is.

None of that means that the nursing staff in the care home should be giving these people free rein to wander around, going into people’s rooms as they choose. That is why I keep my door locked these days. I forgot to do so after coming back to my ‘private’ room from making myself a cup of tea, and duly had my ‘visitation’.

I mention the cost, not in any way to make anything of it, but out of sheer frustration at my pension fund being eroded this way while being kept in the home against my will. But I have posted about that elsewhere on these boards. I simply want to get home, to start living again.