CD Players

So you forgot to lock the door,maybe your own fault then,knowing that people with Dementia were around. I have to say that,as you’ve had personal experience of this illness with your own father,you may have thought more carefully about your previous language regarding people with Dementia,and yes,I will take offence ,simply because it is offensive .


You are in a good place, enjoy.

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Understandably, things are getting heated here.
Best leave it now gents.
In the scheme of things…possibly of little importance, but perhaps the thread can return to CD players?


Thank you Gazza :pray: Next time I go to see JN in long Stratton I would love for us to meet maybe at Signals for a coffee and a good old chat :+1:t3: Best Peter

That would be great meet up……my next move is the radiator gets moved on Monday allowing the system to be moved over to the dedicated mains👍


Graham is feeling under acute discomfort as well as in a highly stressful situation ,

I don’t understand why Graham can’t discharge himself. Does the State have the power to detain him against his will?

He doesn’t know on what basis, if any, he is being held. He was threatened with arrest last night, but no Police came overnight. He spoke by 'phone last night to a friend, and is hoping that said friend will collect him today, so that he can get out of what is essentially a holding facility for the moribund and mentally incapacitated with dangerous tendencies. It is a strange parallel world in which he finds himself, with no guidance how to find a way out.

This is clearly a far from satisfactory situation in terms of your well-being and basic human rights. As an ex City solicitor, can you have some contacts to call upon for help?

Where are you?
Seriously, should we mount a rescue operation?
No joke, I’ll come get you myself man and I don’t know you from Adam :man_shrugging:t2:
This is no way to treat a person of any age!!!


Thank you, Mike and QS. I’ll stick with the plan outlined above.

I’m afraid that nothing that I picked up in the City has prepared me for this unreal situation, so I don’t think that any of my former colleagues can help.

Anyway, I’m enjoying a cup of tea and Radio 3 is playing Beethoven’s Third Piano Concerto, so not all is bad.

Back on thread, chaps!


To answer this, I am aware of one circumstance where they can, which is under mental health, where someone can be “sectioned”, I believe the term being a reference to the applicable Section of the Mental Health Act. My understanding (I have no detailed knowledge) is that it requires two doctors to certify that the person’s mental state makes them a menace either to themselves or to others, or whatever are the specific criteria of the Act.

I know nothing more of poor Graham’s apparently bizarre situation than he has posted, with no suggestion that it is anything to do with mental health. Of course, it could be argued there is plenty of evidence that he is mentally unbalanced, after all, he wants to leave a nice warm comfortable room with all his essential needs provided to return to somewhere where he has to do it all himself, and, surely enough for any medic, he is a member of this forum, and a hifi addict, and wants to get back to his CD player!! :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Cue They’re coming to take me away, ha ha…


Cancel the direct debit. If you do that, they’ll soon be chucking you out.

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Speaking from memory as a retired (in 2015) Social Worker (Social Care, not Health Services), that is my understanding too.

I cannot speak for (physiological) Health Service restrictions.

Anyway, back to the thread:
My CD5X and CD2 continue with no issues, thankfully. Long may they do so!


Sadly not possible, or I would have done so weeks ago.

My elder son has taken control of my bank account, and has no problem seeing me put through this nonsense.

Now, please, chaps, let’s discuss something nice. I’ve just listened to Jeff Buckley’s incomparable version of The Smiths’ ‘I Know It’s Over’, currently the best song that I know (as I’ve said elsewhere). Someone should post that video onto this site.

Post a request in the Videos thread - I’m sure someone will oblige.

You can always put your feet up and watch One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.


That ended well!


That’s the movie a friend and I watched the night before he was locked up for a year in a psychiatric hospital.