CD Players

I listened at Signals at an Accuphase open day……we sat at the front……we did not like the sound, particularly the high end. A move around other rooms listening to some wonderful Accuphase gear we ended up listening to the high end two box player towards the back of the room……Soo much better, a bit of a revelation…….left me wondering what that transport would sound into other dacs……if you wanted a customised sound like Naim, Chord etc

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We’re they the ones where the disc went label side down and sat in a platter that was the full size of the disc?

It’s a little strange that room, as you would naturally conclude it’s going to sound great due to its sheer size. I was slightly underwhelmed when I listened to the huge Dyns at the end of The Statement ( due to a bass lift). I should maybe have moved into a null further back :roll_eyes: hey ho didn’t think of that…! Best Peter

It was the Dyn,s……the best i heard were the PMC Fenestria with the upper and lower transmission line, perhaps handling the vaulted ceiling better!

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I had one of those Pioneer stable platter players, it was excellent, built like a tank. I had a matching A400 (?) amp and the pair sounded great.


Doesn’t surprise me, and would love to hear them. I remember J.N telling me that it was the best rendition of a grand piano driven by The Statement he had ever heard. I suspect you need a Statement level amp to firmly grip and being the boss of 4x10 inch piston bass drivers in each speaker. ATB Peter

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Me too - PDs 901 (I think?). Had a ‘legato link DAC’. Sounded incredible with 75% of CDs but something really weird happened with others that seemed to suck the life out of them.

Thread diversion but how good are the Statements at lower volumes?

I had much the same opinion when we were there auditioning and buying the Evoke 50’s.
I found the whole sound unengaging and somewhat dull.
We sat in the middle of the room closing the deal.

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You need to live north of Townsville to drink that horrible stuff. It’s as bad if not worse than Fosters, I don’t know anyone that drinks it. I’m glad they’re exporting it as it’ll mean there’s less here.

There is a standing joke, why do the call it XXXX ? Cause they can’t spell beer.


Slot loading is fine for infrequent use of a disc. But the preponderance of fine dust and grit to transfer from the apron to the disc on insert rules them out for actual CD playing in my view.

Naim managed front loading fixed. CDX etc. Had the whole transport on a tray. So not really a tray loader at all in the mechanical sense.

It’s really smart because it makes puck replacement self-service. Tray loaders have a clamp which, just like a puck, wears out. I’ve had a couple players where the rubber either degraded, compressed or got greasy and didn’t hold the disc quite firm enough. Those were factory repairs or, in one case, some iffy DIY.


time shifting
I think what Naim doing is align market trends and that’s what a company can survive.
though we know that CD Player is still best player we can use (include me), it’s not match with simplifly trend that using streaming is more convenience and can enjoy many music quality and genres

Dunno Lindsay :man_shrugging: ATB Peter

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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When I bought the cd5si I kept the Arcam as a spare but today decided to give it away to a good home.
In the new year will either be cd5si upgrade or a Core. Not decided yet.


I continue with my CDX like the first day. I couldn’t buy the XPS and I don’t think I will anymore. But I have continued to buy CDs and will continue to do so!


I think you may get a few responses encouraging you to at least try an external power supply to see what you think. Starting with me I suppose!

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I had one of those Arcam’s. A lovely player. Only replaced with CD5Si because it became unreliable

Still big fan of cd so wondering where to go next.
Stick with cd5si and add a core or just upgrade cd to next level.