Cdi damage

Purchased a Cdi which arrived today damaged. Not sure if it’s repairable. If anyone can advise please let me know. If it’s not will have to return for refund. Added picture to show the extent of damage.

I can’t imagine that you can do anything yourself. It looks as if it needs to go at least to your dealer, or even back to Salisbury, for a replacement front panel. Good luck!

I thought would have to go back to Naim but wasn’t sure if a front panel would be available.

I don’t think Naim can help with that anymore. No front panels left. Your best option might be to get hold of a dead CDi and use it for the spares to replace your damaged front panel.

Is it playing?

@NeilS will probably know whether there are any CDI fascias at the factory.

I would get a refund. Getting a CDi fascia is going to be difficult. Was the unit packaging damaged?

It was badly packaged and box was torn on one side. Disappointed as I was going to get a Nait 2 or 72/140 to go with it and my ibl’s as a second system. Would prefer to repair if possible though. I will ask Neilas advised,thanks

Hi Richard
Would you mind asking for me

I’ve paged Neil above, as he would likely know. Of course, it’s impossible to say what other damage there may be that’s not so obvious without a proper inspection by Naim.

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I would get a service completed but if the fascia isn’t available I might as well return.

I just don’t get how people can not package correctly. Always assume your item will get used as a football and protect accordingly. Personally I never mark stuff as " fragile-please take care".
Assume the worst, protect against it. Not let me down so far. And always start with the OEM packaging :package:. And then protect a bit more. Even if it is just black cling film overwrapped.

I do similar, but I do write ‘fragile…etc’ according to post office wording advice.

I get good results with eBay sales - 100% positive on 100s of items sold.

Was it from a dealer or a private sale?


Hi P.S.

I’m afraid the answer is a no - such a shame. If only people would take the time & effort to package things carefully. And couriers handle parcels with care of course.


All may not be lost. Assuming the unit is working OK otherwise and the display intact behind the facia screen it may be possible to cut a window out to neaten the area and overlay or indeed put/glue a new clear section behind.

All for nought if there are other problems or the actual display is damaged.

Send it back and get your money back. It’s not packaged correctly. Should be protected fully with polystyrene and double boxed. Don’t fret, maybe get another or CDS or CDS2?

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Try to salvage the laser mech if recent vintage. Naim cannot replace them for any CD players except 552 and entry level machines. Replacements are valuable.

Thanks everyone for advise and NeilS appreciate your quick response even though not the news I wanted to hear, nevermind. I will return and look for another to come along.


There is another on the usual site.