CDS2 Low Volume Crisis!

My beloved CDS2 has suddenly started outputting a very low signal. I have switched out the XPS and the interconnect but the low level music signal persists. It’s maybe 10% of normal level and equal in both channels. Has anyone experienced this?

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It could be the output stage (so luckily, not the transport as one is repairable by Naim and the other isn’t).

But before jumping to conclusions, have you tested on a different input on the amp just to make sure the problem is the CDS and not the input on the amp like a stuck relay?


Thanks. Yes, I have tried to eliminate all other variables (input, interconnect, even the XPS)

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Assuming the amplifier itself is not at fault, @NeilS may have an idea of what’s up here.


Here’s hoping it’s anything but the mech:


We’re all rooting for you!



The DAC chips have gone, maybe


If it does need to go back a call to your friendly dealer might be in order. If your dealer could persuade their Naim rep to pick it up and drop off at HQ and then return at some point…….this might be more safe for the mechanism, if still OK. It would take much longer though.
I have known my dealer to actually drive-a cd555 to HQ, wait while repaired and brought back same day.


Real Service… :open_mouth: :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you, Richard. I have eliminated pre-amp, amp, interconnect, Burndy and XPS as possible causes. Dear @neils this may be in the analogue output section…your thoughts on the (very) low output signal?

Hi Clissold, as I’m sure you can appreciate, it’s very difficult to remotely diagnose faults over the internet. It could well be an issue with the analogue stage or its power supplies, equally it could also be in the digital domain. As long as the fault doesn’t lie with the DACs, we should be able to fix it.
As you have ruled out the XPS, that will save on shipping costs.



Many Thanks @NeilS . I have reached out to the guys in Montreal. Cheers!

Just be warned that shipping the CDS2 risks damaging the (non-replaceable) mechanism. Where are you located?

Thanks for the heads-up. I will be shipping from Minnesota to up-state NY. From there it goes to Montreal. Mech has already been replaced and alternative is no service and it becomes a door stop… Hoping for a positive outcome!


There is a small community of users who repurpose old unrepairable gear into new domestic objects. Like LP12 clocks. I’ve yet to see a CDS filled with dirt with geraniums or ivy growing out of the open lid. I live in hope. You have to admit, that would get some attention on the pics thread.

But not for yours. I hope you get yours fixed good as new.


I had a low volume problem with a CDS2.

Caused by not twisting the Burndy locking collar far enough.

Strangely the disc spun, but with low volume output.