CDS2 Servicing and parts

No one. Its just a word I know from living in Japan.

The Naim DAC works fine with the Olive XPS (AFAIK it’ll even work with a later CDPS and appropriate Burndy). It’s the streamers where the Olive XPS can’t be used.


Interesting Richard. Do you know why that is?

Not to jump into Richard’s skin and I could be wrong anyway, I think it could be the olive xps has a smaller transformer???

The size of the transformer still far far far exceeds the demands of the output.

I think there is a comment in the old forum about the actual DC output stages not having quite the current support needed for the streamers which draw ever so slightly more amperage.

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It’s because the XPS used the Supercap transformer and, as FZ states above, the streamers draw more current on one of the rails than the XPS can safely provide.

@NeilS provides a more comprehensive explanation here;


So, once the CD players finally die, there won’t be much real-world use for the olive XPS, even given away. That’s a pity, but a 30+ year life is hardly a source for outrage on any electronics.

The olive XPS and CDPS can be used with the Naim DAC, so that’s something at least.

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Well Richard has corrected me and explained that the nDAC is usable with the Olive XPS.

If it was me, I’d future proof my investment by snapping up a second hand nDAC now, and when the player dies, send the nDAC and XPS off for a service and just add a high quality transport and call it their new (nearly) Naim CD player.

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Food for thought.

I am not sure that the nDAC sounds different from the DAC on my NDX2/XPSDR - see above. Given that, I am more likely to give the XPS to someone with an nDAC, but these are both options.

There are some jolly good CD transports out there. However, if my old ears (and those of two professional musicians) can’t really pick between Core and CDS2 on pretty much any CDs, I am not sure that (say) an Audiolab transport will add much.

There’s a lot of sense in that argument but personally I feel the NDX2 falls well short of my CDS3 in the satisfaction stakes and I can’t stretch to NDS. I’m not saying it’s not good but it just doesn’t possess the lovely smooth sound of the CDS3.
When I first saw the trade in scheme my brain went in to a whirr, but I ended up back in the same place - I love my CDS3 and don’t want to change.
Plus, my biggest gripe about the trade in scheme is it doesn’t reflect the initial outlay on the px item. Getting the same in px for a CDS3 as a CD5i doesn’t seem fair somehow.


Owned a CDS3 with a later Mechanism with a CDP555 prior to trading this in on a CD555 which I got serviced and then added a second CDP555 to. Got to say whilst I love what I now have, I still consider the CDS3 to be a great sounding CD Player, never fatiguing and just sounds right. I can fully understand your reluctance here and such a waste for these to be put out of service. Pretty sure we will see a resurgence of CD in the coming years, market pressures have down everything to kill this off in favour or streaming and vinyl but we are still here and still listening to that spinning sil
ver disc :slightly_smiling_face:


Without the XPSDR on the NDX2 (which is how I had the NDX2 for a couple of years), the CDS2 was clearly better.

With the PS, some streams were better than my CD played on the CDS2 and some worse, but the difference is largely or entirely driven by the chosen version of CD or stream, not the boxes themselves.

Many claim that using a 555PS instead would is another upgrade - so it should be, given the cost.

The NDX2 was auditioned with the XPS2 I use on the CDS3, but to my old ears was nowhere near as easy to listen to. I also found the XPS DR changed the sound of my CDS3 in a way I didn’t like. For that reason I didn’t audition the 555PS

Fully agree on that one.
Doubt we will see Naim going back into that niche.
A pity really, as those CDi, CDS etc were so cool.
This leave us to alternative makers.

When I faced Naim doorstop scenario I went to Rega - had been there before with their first CD player and later with first edition Saturn.
I’ve had Isis and now a Saturn3 which is really good.
Not much more than a CD5i but entirely different class.

I’m expecting many other exiting CD machines once the resurgence step up.

CD resurgence is here already, sounds like just not in the UK.

I’m not familiar if there’s a current CD resurgence going on in UK or elsewhere.
In my neighborhood (Scandinavian) I believe streaming and vinyl is somehow the leading sources, maybe there’s statistic on such things ?

At least statistics concerning Sweden does not show any big market share for CD sales (revenue). Hard to say however if this will be changing over time.

I’m very much in the sorry to see the demise of the CD camp BUT important to remember that unlike vinyl where you have to have a TT to play a record there are a variety of ways to hear a CD. To this end as much as I really love my CDS3 I have taken advantage of the Naim trade in scheme and with the support of the excellent Phil @Cymbiosis (a multitude of other Naim dealers are available) I will be ripping all my CDs to NAS with a NDX2, and am already quite excited about the thought of those late night sessions to be able to play While My Guitar Gently Weeps, the Lark Ascending and Equinox without having to switch CDs. In fact I’m beginning to wonder if it might even curtail my lifelong love of vinyl :flushed:

And before the comments rain down, yes a damascene moment!


As sated before I’m in Japan atm
Where CD/DVD has never stopped
I firmly believe people eventually will be fed up with streaming services and the never ending cost that just disappears into the ether. A hard copy on your shelf can’t be replaced imo. I find it hard to believe how lazy people have become.
I very much wish Naim would subscribe that CD is not dead as many other hifi company’s do.
Naim make CD players so very very well why stop something you’re great at?