Cheap Android tablet for Naim app

I struggle to see the little screen on my mobile when streaming music via the Naim app so I thought of getting a cheap tablet with a 10" display.
I doubt it would be used for anything else.

I don’t want to buy something that’s been around so long that updates will soon no longer be available.

Any suggestions for something around the £100 mark?

Lenovo M10 3rd gen from Currys for £119 and if you buy it quickly you’ll get 5 months of Apple TV+ free if that’s of any interest. If not, you should be able to get it for that price with a 10% discount direct from Lenovo if you sign up to their newsletter from the home page on the Lenovo site.

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Nice one - thanks @elverdiblanco Just ordered one from Lenovo - free P&P!

I’m sure that will do the job very nicely. And being Android you can also use Bubble UPnP instead of the Naim app for most things, I think that looks a lot better than the Naim spp.

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I use a Lenovo M8 smart tab - the smaller 8" version. You can buy it with a dock/charger. I think a similar 10" version is available. Excellent.

P.S. The Lenovo Smart Tab M10 10.1 Inch FHD Tablet with Alexa Smart Dock is available on the river for £88. It maybe a “used” version.


Naim app vs Bubble, I just find that Bubble looks better and is a bit more intuitive


Thanks guys - I’ve ordered it, so will have a look at Bubble too when it arrives - thx for the tip!

It has been so long since I used the Naim app for anything other than Internet radio I forgot about one thing that really annoys me about it; scrolling text for artist and track names when they’re long. No scrolling text on bubble :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks, I am giving serious thought to one as a present for someone

I really hate scrolling text, and the Naim app does it particularly badly, especially on smaller screens. In the worst cases, you can have all three lines of text (track, artist, album) all scrolling, all out of sync with each other. It’s just a mess.


Scrolling text, its like going back to 1995


@pete84 have you got the tablet yet and if so how are you getting on with it?

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Hi @elverdiblanco yes it arrived earlier this week.
I’ve not had much of a chance to get to grips with it yet due to pressures of Christmas card writing and other festive-related stuff :roll_eyes:
I was frustrated when setting it up that most of the available memory has been taken up by the vast amount of rubbish it’s downloaded. Loads of kids games, 13 different browsers! and so much other crap that I don’t want. All I want on it is the Focal/Naim app, Qobuz and Chrome.
I’d like to do a factory reset and try and to set it up again if I can find out how not to get all this crap on it.
Are you aware of how to do that? I’m sure I can ask on the Lenovo forum if you don’t.
I’m sure there is a way, but I’ve not yet found a way to move between active apps. But I’m sure there is a way - I’m just not used to it yet.

I have downloaded Bubble, but not yet tried it properly.

My Kudos Titan 606 speakers arrived this morning and the guys from Audiobarn set them up - so Happy Christmas to me from me :slight_smile: I’ve now got to run them in for about 300 hours so Christmas carols will be blasting out for the next few days :grin:

That sounds odd, 13 browsers?! I only had Chrome on mine when it arrived. There was some rubbish on there when I got mine but it was easy enough to uninstall, in your app drawer just long press on an icon then tap the trash can icon. I can’t remember if when I set mine up it gave the option of downloading all the nonsense but if it did I must have said No or else uninstalled it afterwards because there’s very little on mine that I don’t want. The Android on my tablet is very close to stock Android.

Moving between open apps, in the settings there’s a System navigation option where you can use gestures or the old school 3 button menu at the bottom of the screen. I’m old school so prefer the three buttons so tap on the square button at the bottom of the screen and it will show an icon for each of your open apps. If you do decide to use the three button method, the left arrow is the back button, the round button takes you to your home screen and the square button shows an icon for each of your open apps.

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Many thanks @elverdiblanco
Sorry for the long delay in responding - life etc gets in the way sometimes!

That’s a great tip and makes using the tablet much easier - I’m also very much ‘old school’ too.
I’ve found that I use the tablet to search for what I want to listen to then use my mobile as a remote for volume and skipping tracks etc.
The combination works well as the tablet in its cover is quite heavy.

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