Chord 2Qute replacement smps

I’ve mislaid the smps for my Chord 2Qute I’ve always used a Linear PSU with it but am thinking of moving either the PSU or Dac along so need a new smps it’s a 12v but not sure of the socket type size that connects to the Dac?


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Thanks Aren.

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Make sure the polarity is right (I can’t advise which pole is which as I don’t have one, but polarity if power supply plugs is not universal.

I don’t understand your option of moving on either the DAC or the PS! Seems a strange choice… But if you’re getting an SMPS to go with 2Qute it might be significant to sound quality and surely a Chord replacement would be more appropriate than something generic.

I’m not using either anymore so am selling both as a unit to fund streamer for my system in Spain however I’m now thinking should I keep the PSU for the new streamer and sell the Dac or vice versa.

Either way I need an smps for the DAC.

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