Chord Dave/ Nap300

Hello everyone,

Maybe someone can help me to have a better idea on this combo that is ‘pestering me’
Has someone ever paired the Chord Dave as dac and preamp with the Nap300?
If yes , how’s the feeling? And which comparison to a naim preamp?

Thank you

I’ve tried in my system Naim system Chord DACs ( Qutest and Hugo2) and I really appreciated them as final result!

Not a 300, but I did NAP250.2. My view is that it’s ok, but sounded better and more engaging and free flowing with 252 or 552.
That’s my personal taste, it sounds like you might like it driving the NAP directly.


I can’t answer that question, though I love Dave direct into a Musical Fidelity A370, and previousyly into both a Bryston 4Bsst, and also woth different speakers through a Boeringher DCX2496 active XO. To my mind with a well buffered output and low output impedance preamp Dave does not need any preamp, one only addsing electronics and noise and possibly change of character. But trying costs nothing, whether at your dealer where you can compare with and without preamp (but do take your speakers if dealer hasn’t the same), or better still if possible at home. I don’t know what your speakers are (not in your profile!!!), but very likely you would benefit (FWIW I would not expect anything below a 300 to be adequate for my speakers).

Morning! Sorry, I just changed my speakers,
I’m listening Harbeth SHL5+ , and the sound , especially in some kind of music as classical and opera is super! I’d say very Hi-Fi! The sensation is like to be in the theatre. Phenomenal!

But, unfortunately I can’t find this atmosphere with rock or sometimes with light /pop music ,
changing with these genres suddenly the room becomes smaller and the instrument and voice doesn’t come out properly from the speakers;
Like something’s missing!

I use the Hugo2 as dac and with headphone as well, so I can test the same song in 2 different mode in the same time.

Thank you!

Hi! Yes I’d like to try the Dave instead of 282.
But I’m afraid to make this change with no testing

Indeed - at this sort of level I would be wary of taking on without trying first.
I think the DAVE is one of the best in terms of engagement and musical enjoyment DACs I’ve heard, which is why I ultimately bought one, but it is not cheap, but there are a few used at more affordable prices. However, in my opinion, it does need considered matching. In some systems that are tagged as ‘exciting’ or similar it can sound too forward, and/or bass heavy. I personally don’t think the DAVE with 282 would be the best match… it’s beautiful with the 252 however. I think on the whole Naim NAPs sound best with a Naim NAC.

With a Naim NAC or integrated I use the DAVE in ‘preamp’ mode and set the level to sound the most flowing and natural with the NAC front end stages, or with my Nait50 I set the N50 at 10.30 and only use the volume control on the DAVE

So if I understand correctly, at present into the Harbeths you use
Hugo > 282 > 300
and you want to know which you will make the Harbeths ‘sing’ better (to your ears) with pop / rock music, but also still play classical / opera beautifully,
Hugo > 282 > 300
Dave > 300.
Unfortunately I am not in a position to answer that. I suspect many Naim devotees would suggest the 282, but without hearing both it is impossible for you to know which you would prefer. Did you audition the speakers with all kinds of music, and if so did they do well with pop / rock? (With what amplification?)

Hi, I’ve used a Mk1 Hugo and a Dave in a Naim system, with a 282/250DR. I removed the 282 and for a while used Dave direct into the 250, and it worked OK, although ultimately I found that it worked better direct into a Chord power amp.
It’s always worth paying some attention to system setup, whether you decide to keep your Naim preamp or not. I agree with Simon’s comment above about reducing the Chord DAC output level a bit when using it with a Naim NAC. Experiment with the Dave phase setting and see if you prefer it set to + or -.
If using a Naim preamp, consider how it is grounded. If you use a Naim streamer or CD player, the NAC would be optimally grounded via the DIN cable. If you use a Naim streamer as an SPDIF source into a Chord DAC, which works very well, you should use a DIN cable between streamer and preamp even though it isn’t being used to carry the audio signal, as this maintains the correct grounding arrangement for the whole Naim system.

If you’re satisfied that your system is set up as well as it can be, then try taking out the NAC. I certainly wouldn’t do it without the chance to demo and confirm that it works for you. In order to do that you need to have a non-standard RCA to XLR cable made up - or in the case of a 300, a pair of cables.

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I could also never find it with the SHL5s - IMO it’s the speakers, as good as they can be with orchestral classical.

I found with both Dave and TT2 that both sound better into a preamp than directly into either a Naim amp, 250dr in my case, or even into my Chord amp. Using a Chord pre3 between Dave and Ultima 6 gives a huge improvement


indeed - the value of the pre amp is certainly not unique to Naim

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I run a DAVE/MScaler into ATC SCM40A, have tried a few preamps, I found this different but not better. My dealer recently visited with a Zeiler Audio PR-01 preamp, £29k, lovely bit of hifi but we both agreed didn’t make the case for adding pre into my set up.
Others on the forum prefer a pre in the system, try it out for yourself, see which you prefer.

As @garcon wrote, Harbeth may not be the best match for rock.

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