Chord EE 16-port switch

Does anyone have experience of the 16-port version of the Chord EE switch, particularly wrt segregation of hifi and IT traffic?



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No direct experience of the EE16, but I have had an EE8 in the past. These are unmanaged switches and the EE16 is effectively just two EE8 switches in one box. I’m not sure what you are wanting to connect, but given you have two ‘independent’ switches I’d use the Zone 1 switch to connect various devices (NAS etc) including the connection to your router. Take one of the Zone 1 ports and connect it to the Zone 2 In port and then a single connection from the another Zone 2 port out to your network player.

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Completely unassociated but how are you getting on with the DSM/350’s?

Hi Dave – I’m very pleased. They went through a bit of a running in period with a few up and downs especially with regard bass performance which had me checking I hadn’t accidentally invoked some filtering in Roon. It was like listening with a heavy cold at times !

Since that initial period, they’ve settled in nicely and the beautifully tight, extended bass is back. The only downside so far has been low level transformer hum, the presence of which I’ve got used to again after quite a few years without it.

I’ll be interested to see what the eventual NAP500 replacement will bring, but Utopik PSU temptation aside for the DSM, I’m done.


Given that the 16 appears to be 2x8, how did you find the 8 - did it make an appreciable difference?


I seemed to think so at the time - these to me aren’t night and day differences but are still worth exploring. I had a Cisco 2960 as my main switch and connected to my NDX2 via ~30m of Cat5E cable and added the EE8 just before the NDX2. I did try it in place of the Cisco but ultimately preferred it with the Cisco left in place and the EE8 as the final switch. In the end it got replace by a PhoenixNET, which has stayed in place ever since. I’d certainly see about borrowing a EE8 from your dealer if you can to see what you think.

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