Chord MScaler experiences with Dave DAC -2

  • Naim streamer
  • Non-Naim streamer
  • Melco - low end model
  • Melco top end model
  • Innuos low end model
  • Innuos top end model
  • Roon nuc
  • RPi or similar
  • Computer optimised for the purpose
  • Other computer
  • Other purpose built music store/renderer
  • Other

0 voters

I don’t think I can do a multivariate poll, so I’m doing two companion polls and will try to give a combined analysis after. Please complete both polls.

So, for this one, if you have used/tried Chord’s MScaler with Dave DAC, what was the source of the feed signal (what renderer, transport, streamer etc)

As usual any additional comments/ info welcome such as specific model, any additional RF filtering etc.

The other poll seeks info on the effect you found give.

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