Chord ohmic plugs on Chord Epic X

Quick question, just dropped onto a pair of chord epic x that have the older style bananas with heatshrjnk and chord ‘trousers’. Is it worth getting my dealer to put on the ohmic plugs? An additional £64 plus his time…

I think it depends on what cable you’re using if it’s Kudos KS1 then there were posts on here that the ohmic plugs weren’t good with them.
I might be wrong but I thought they were crimp on plugs not soldered.
I’d much prefer soldered to crimp personally. :thinking: :+1:t2:
£64 for plugs is steep I’d rather use the Naim plugs on the amp or if you prefer to just use the Naim pins or standard Deltron plugs.

Chord Epic X… as mentioned in title

Dugh sorry tried to help anyway.
Just ignore first sentence. :roll_eyes:

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If the existing ones are in good shape, I probably wouldn’t bother, and for some reason the ohmic ones tend to oxidise easily (although Chord say it’s not an issue)?

If your dealer has the required crimping tool, I’d recommend getting Ohmic plugs fitted, they’re a nice upgrade for the price.

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I’m using ohmic plugs with the accompanying trousers on chord epic x. During a recent troubleshooting mission to narrow down a fault with with my power amp I borrowed a spare set of the same cables from my dealer along with a set of naca5 both with standard (potentially screwed not soldered but I don’t know for sure) plugs which had seen better days. I honestly couldn’t hear much if any difference with the alternative plugs on the borrowed epic x. As one would expect I did notice a big difference with the naca5. I really liked the difference in tone and pace, they sounded a touch quicker to my ear. That said I still like the darker presentation of the chord cables, a happy medium would be nice if such an option exists.

I already had the ohmic plugs on my Epic X speaker cable. All I can tell you from personal experience, and I’ve used Chord cables almost exclusively for many years, is that I’ve never known an upgrade from them that didn’t make an audible improvement.

Whether or not you consider that improvement to be worth £64+ is a personal judgement. In terms of expenditure for audible improvements it’s not a lot. If it were me I’d go for it as you have an excellent system and presumably you want to get the best you can from it. Also if the cables are older or used then changing the plugs is no bad thing.


Cheers guys, I’ll install them and see how they compare to chord rumour x , also have naca5 with naim plugs…

Might not like my opinion but I’d go NacA5 and Naim plugs.
Synergy and consistency. :wink:


You’ll have your very own cable shop! I was under the impression that you were getting more Phantoms.

Nearly! I just sold the phantoms as they were very dark sounding with the ls50 so the epic x is a no cost swap.

Well local Richer Sounds have the crimping tool. Visit booked in for Saturday

Interesting… very much a tighter fit in the sockets but they do sound subtly different. Whether it’s the different materials in the plugs (silver plated alloy vs gold plated brass) I don’t know but they do sound better but I can’t tell you what is better other than the bass seems different. I’ve now removed the half bungs from my ls50 and the slight boom has gone.

Try the scm11’s when dad has finished with them.

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