CI-Uniti 102 Manager

I just got my 102 and is looking for the Focal & Naim Manager that is advartised about for DSP.
Been googling and searching for 2 days without any luck. No DSP settings in the android app either.


As this quite a very new and rather specialised CI product I don’t think there will be anyone here able to help out (at least, not yet anyway). Your best bet here is to talk to your custom installer/dealer who will be installing the product (from what I gather from the release info they use the Manager program to install and configure the system), or else get in touch with the distributor. Failing that, you could contact Naim support for assistance;

I’m still waiting for two of these for my new apartment in Australia, so anything you find out might be useful to me when they eventually arrive down under :grinning:

Hi @Blythe

The DSP manager software is now available via the CI-Uniti 102 webpage as a download.


Is there no GNU/Linux build?