Cider? Cider!

Showerings and the Babycham statue are certainly a landmark, our children knew they were getting near home on the return from holidays.
Doing an online search is confusing and educational. Showerings appear to still exist and make a “vintage” cider.
Brothers Cider who include Matthew Showering bought out the site from C&C who are Magners, Bulmers, Blackthorn. The brand labels on the C&C website say things like “rooted in Somerset”, “Somerset pressed”, so it certainly sounds like the juice is shipped out.
Perhaps cider is still made there?



I have a bottle of this , waiting for the right moment - to follow a glass of perry .

I tried a French Eau De Vie made from Williams Pears , and it was superb, all the joy (and I do mean joy) of pears with 40% alcohol

I gave a glass to my neighbour who didn’t like it , I won’t make that mistake again.

More pour moi :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:


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