Cinema Movie Review

Totally amazing i agree

No Time To Die

A Bond film that is typical of the Craig Bond era, Bond has an emotional arc. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Like ALL Bond films it can be nit-picked, but really it depends on whether you are sympathetic to the Bond template: Car chases; attractive women; good fights; great stunts. Then with Craig you get a Bond who hurts, physically and emotionally. In this era there are threads which persist between films, beyond Spectre.

My wife & I loved it, as did one set of our friends. Another friend didn’t enjoy it, for reasons I can understand.

Big thumbs up from me.



Free Guy

Ryan Reynolds vehicle, if you like him and his comedic style you’ll enjoy this - I do and did.

The film is fast enough paced to cover any questions that might arise, and ALMOST overcome some of the woke dialogue, although I almost feel that it was added here as a parody of many modern ‘popular’ films.

I was unconvinced by the ending, but I am soppy enough that I simply enjoyed it; just don’t engage your brain too much!


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I do agree, a perfectly pleasant, watchable film.

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My first film post pandemic.

Documentary on Marc-Andre Leclerc, a young ice climber of astonishing ability. He was clearly a distinctive character much like the man depicted in ‘Into The Wild’, preferring isolation and privacy to publicity, yet engaging and clearly touches those he meets. His simple unaffected joy in climbing is contagious.

The photography is literally breathtaking, the talking heads well chosen and knowing how it ends early in the film prevents annoying faux suspense.

Watch this if you enjoyed ‘Free Solo’. Two studies of neurodifference as much as climbing athleticism.




(Recently been in a film club and this was the latest)

A young (drum) student starts at a top music school in New York. Is spotted by the key conductor of the competition jazz band.

The conductor is extremely exacting and searching for an all time great, requiring astonishingly high standards.

In a key scene the student arrives late at a competition and blows the band’s chance. Attacks the conductor and is kicked out of the school. Gives evidence to have the conductor kicked out. Turns his back on the drums

They meet up at a performance in a jazz club and seem to be reconciled - student takes drums up again

Quite brutal (v sweary) but the film is redeemed by the final scene where the conductor tries to humiliate the student at a public concert (common place for record company scouts) as revenge for him. But the student comes back and they makes sweet, public jazz music together. (With hindsight I did enjoy much of the film). The film ends with no resolution as it finishes with the student and conductor triumphant together but we don’t know what happens next. I don’t normallly like that sort of finish but it was perfect here

My favourite film in the last couple of years, maybe longer

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Yes, very intense and a deserved Oscars for the film and J K Simmons, amongst others.

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Mine was Bond, probably says more about us than cash ever can! :wink:

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Maybe. However only three people in my screening, and I bet yours was packed!


You’re right.

Great job Disney on this:

Screen Shot 2021-10-09 at 22.51.04

Superbly entertaining throughout.

Trailer struck me as a cross between The African Queen and Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Just brilliant and such fun, we need movies like this more than ever.

As it is out of my Odeon I may end up buying the BR for Christmas.

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We enjoyed this as a family. Off to see Bond this afternoon, cant wait.

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We enjoyed this a mix of Ready Player One, Truman Show and Wreck it Ralph with the usual Ryan Reynolds delivery. Like Dwane Johnson hes becoming a firm family favourite.

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I was going to get the 4k Blu Ray but we’ve had a busy week so succumbed to an iTunes movie purchase despite knowing it’ll be on Disney streaming channel within a few weeks.

Just a fun family adventure film.

Just got back from watching Bond. A tad longer than it needed to be but very enjoyable. My hearing needs a break as it was so good damn loud it hurt.

Next will be Dune at BFI IMAX in 2 weeks now that I really cannot wait to see.


No Time To Die

Enjoyed immensely , saw it in a small boutique cinema in Valletta, first trip to cinema this year.


Like you I am looking forward to seeing this, I might also pop up to the BFI.

Sounds like a cinema thing, didn’t notice it being excessively loud

Yeah I just think they had it cranked up to loud. Was also pretty near the front, which wouldn’t have helped.

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