Compatibility NAC 152xs with Flatcap 2 and NAP 150?

Hi folks,
Currently running NAC 112/Flatcap 2/NAP 150 (none are xs versions) and have a chance to purchase an NAC 152xs, which is apparently two grades up from the 112. So, I have two questions:

  1. Is the NAC152xs compatible with the Flatcap 2 and NAP 150?
  2. I have the following items connected to the NAC 112: Stageline, CD player, cassette deck (in and outputs), headphone amp (via in and out loop), DBX Decoder (also via in and out loop), and subwoofer (all with DIN connectors of course, since the NAC 112 did not have RCA alternatives).
    Are there sufficient inputs/outputs for all these components?


Welcome here!

Q1. Yes. (worth bearing in mind that the FC2 and NAP150 may need to be serviced after all this time.)

Q2. I cannot be absolutely sure, since I am away from home at the moment and cannot take a look at the back of my NAC152XS, but I think, yes. Basically, if you can connect them all to your NAC112, then I can’t see any reason why you wouldn’t be able to connect them all to a NAC152XS.

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Thanks! I did have the NAP 150 recapped recently, but not the Flatcap.
One added question: do you think the change (112 to 152xs) would make a noticeable difference in the sound?)

Yes. My opinion is that Naim is all about the preamp. Get the best preamp you can afford.

(My dealer regularly tells me that there are not many problems in Naim World to which a NAC52 is not the answer :slight_smile: )


Nac 152 is much better than 112.
The FC might be able to power both its upgrades, check up the manual online.

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Okay, thanks so much!

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One other question: I see that the NAC 152xs has an RCA output for a subwoofer. The NAC 112 has a DIN one; does the NAC 152xs have a DIN signal out for the subwoofer? Thanks!

The NAC112 does not have a dedicated subwoofer output. To output to a sub with the 112 you would need to power with a Flatcap and then use one of the DIN4 signal outs from the Flatcap. The sub lead though would need to be the specific slugged Naim one to prevent instability.

The NAC152xs has a dedicated Subwoofer output on a pair of RCA phonos. There’s no need for a slugged interconnect if you use this. If you want to use a DIN output then it’s the same situation as above - you would need to power with a Flatcap and then use one of the DIN4 signal outs from the Flatcap. The sub lead though would need to be the specific slugged Naim one to prevent instability.

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