
Hi All,

I received my Uniti Star and KEF R3 Meta speakers today.

Currently, I have both plugs in the bottom LF posts on the speakers, and both the ‘Link’ knobs fully clockwise. Loving it so far!

It’s been suggested that I try bi-wiring them, but the user manual is not 100% clear.

So looking at the back of a speaker, should I try red to top and black in bottom, or vice-versa (or doesn’t it matter).

If I do this, should I then rotate both link knobs anti-clockwise or just one of them (left or right).

I’ll be mounting the speakers on the wall this w/end so whilst they are just plonked next to the Star on a desk, I thought I’d play about as some people say it will make a difference; others say not.

Some years ago I blew some Acoustic Energies up (I may have had 1 or 2 shandies) and then went through an expensive exercise of replacing them (with Dynaudio as it happens) and I don’t want to risk anything this time!

Thanks in advance!


Best way for single wire is Top right Red -POS
Bottom left Black - NEG
Both locks fully clockwise.
If not optimally placed tweeters at ear level then all the fancy stuff is pretty unnecessary.


Bi wiring is generally a waste of money. If you want to invest some extra funds, then buy a ‘better’ single wire cable.


Sorry, then why are you already thinking about changing the set up?

Enjoy it as it is, and it will improve with more use.

As a professional software engineer and long time PC builder, I just have an insatiable urge to meddle and tweak!

Thanks, I’ll give it a go and see what happens

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Sure, no problem with that, it’s just a bit too soon to be making changes when you say you are ‘loving it’ - though @Skeptikal gives good advice for a single wire set-up.

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I agree that you should refrain from tweaks at least until your new gear is a few weeks old, otherwise changes that you attribute to your tweaks may in fact be due to it running in. New speakers in particular take a bit of time to run in, and should improve steadily.
The only changes I would consider making now are to speaker positioning and support, as it’s critical to get this right in any system.


I very much agree.
I bought a pair of Kudos Titan 606 in Dec last year.
When my dealer came to install them he warned me that they wouldn’t sound right until they’d been run-in for at least 100 hours and they would continue to improve until about 300 hours.
Hew ws so right!
For the first 100ish hours the sound was very harsh and not really enjoyable, but little by little the sound got better and better.



Here’s what i would do (whether you listen here or not is up to you). Change the speakers for a pair of NEAT Acoustic Motive SX2 or 3. NACA5 cables made up by a well seasoned dealership. Job well done, enough said, take the cuddly toy on the way out :+1:

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