Connecting DAC with 3 pin DIN to Nait 5i 5 pin DIN?

I have an Audiolab M Dac on it’s way to me.
It has 3 pin DIN balanced outputs.
Naim use 5 pin DIN inputs.
How do I connect them?
There are cheap 3 pin to 5 pin convertors available.

Would that work?

I don’t want to spend a fortune on cables but would like to use the balanced connections.

The Audiolab XLR connections are balanced, unlike the Naim DIN input. You should ideally not mix balanced with unbalanced, so use the RCA outputs on the MDAC instead.
Naim make an RCA to DIN cable, as do Chord or various other cable suppliers.


Seems a bit pointless that the 5 pin connections are unbalanced?

Balanced connections are primarily used to ensure stability when long cables are required, which is why they are common in pro audio. Not sure why you would want them on home hifi equipment where cables are usually short.

Above should say balanced? :thinking:

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Yes, that’s what I meant to say, of course! Now corrected.

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