Connecting NAIM 52 and supercap to the Naim Crossover and HiCap

do you have the old manual for the NAP52 and 52PS?

Is it the same regardless of source?

If youā€™re using it with the LP12, does the NAC52 have phono cards fitted?

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how can I tell if it does or does not?


If you disconnect the head unit and then carefully remove the sleeve (be careful not to chip the edge of the fascia when you do this) you can see whether it has any phono boards in place - thereā€™s one daughter board for each channel, top and bottom just behind the phono input. The boards should be either NA522 or NA523 (S, K, or E) depending on type.

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Sorry i do Not have this one - bought my 52 s/h

The Burndy cable could be a reason. When the strain relief has come loose there could be damaged. Has this also been before or did this happen, when you brought the 52 to service?

Is there a place to purchase a new replacement Burndy 16 pin cable for the 52 and 52PS? i will also have this one tested. thanks.

Yes, speak with your Naim dealer. It may need to be made to order by Naim but will be an upgrade over the old grey Burndy, so probably well worth doing regardless.


Thanks Richard. is there a NAIM Dealer in Los Angeles? how can i locate dealers locally?

Off the top of my head tyres Venice Audio but do check the dealer finder on the naim website.


Has my post with the link not shown in this thread? Two posts above this one.

Yes, itā€™s just above my post.

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HI Drago, i contacted NAIM about a new Burndy Cable and was shocked to find out it is $1,100 for a 3 ft cable if it can be located. Do you think the new one is worth the difference versus rebuilding the existing cable I have? Today everything is expensive.

I think repair is also an option

HI RIchard and Drago, i am attaching photos of the inside of the 52. It appears to have the phono boards that i can use with my Linn LP12 Moving coil but would appreciate your confirmingā€¦

here is the inside of the 52PS that came with the 52

That looks like quite an early 52. It appears to have line level boards and variable level boards (best replaced these days), but I canā€™t see any phono boards.

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Hmm, I donā€™t see a 523 MC board.

I see four straight through ā€œlineā€ boards (526) and a 528 variable attenuation board.


The main caps look to have been replaced at some point, although they donā€™t look like Naim ones.