Connecting UnitiServe

Morning all
I have an original UnitiServe and a Uniti Star in my setup.
When I originally put the system together the ‘Serve was connected to the same network as the Star via a network cable and all works brilliantly.
I see that there is a digital out on the Serve and corresponding digital in on the Star.
Is there any advantage in connecting the Serve directly to the Star or leave ‘as is’

First, this has been raised in a recent thread, so what did “search” reveal for you?
Second, if it ain’t broke…it don’t need fixing.
Third, post your results of your own listening experience, once you have done the comparison!
Simples - enjoy!

There is no sonic advantage. There is a practical disadvantage though - you’d have to tell the US what to play by using the nServe app, but the Naim to change volume. I wouldn’t even bother trying, just leave it as it is.

At a slight tangent, do make sure that all your US rips are in flac and that you back up to a NAS, again in flac. If the US conks out, you’ll have problems if you haven’t done this.

Thank you
I thought as much.
Serve is set to rip FLAC and backs up to a Netgear DuoNas which works faultlessly.
Original setup was configured remotely by Phil
Harris at Naim when he was tech supremo at Naim.

If you use a direct SPDIF connection between US and streamer that’s another cable. You still need the network connection to both devices to make them work so there’s no real benefit.
Also, the direct connection probably means that you’ll end up putting the US very close to the streamer, and probably on the same mains circuit. It’s generally best to keep them isolated from each other, especially with the switching supply on the US.